Kat, thank you for the really informative post. I have taken some time to actually come across it and your comments are really valid especially the section of knowing your anatomy, I would also hasten to add that many females are just as guilty as their male counterparts when it comes to anatomical knowledge. I suppose have medical training I take this knowledge for granted so emphasize the importance of actual knowledge. It always makes me laugh when I read stories that indicate that there has been continuous vaginal or anal penetration for prolonged periods as for the average normal human being this is simply not possible, although some erectile dysfunction drugs may certainly extend the time available. As in real life the really erotic part of the sex act is the foreplay and ensuring that both parties have their individual needs and desires met.
In regards to having a friend read your work, I find that female friends are the best critics as they know what they really like. By the way I am relatively new to this site also. Thanks again.3TgVdsJdlbRdESvg