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Over 90 days ago
Straight Cis Female
United Kingdom


Can I put my two-pennyworths in? Yes Verity, please do, we’d love to hear what you have to say. Okay then, I will. There seems to me to be a rather large chasm between what some of the mods feel appropriate, and the readers themselves. As most of you know, I am not the sharpest tool in the shed, far from it. I left school early with only my fabulous looks and big boobs to get by on. Not even a sniff of a diploma; I’ve never even read a book, not a single one. Luckily for me, I never allowed my total lack talent or ability to stand in my way. A few of the moderators were very kind to me and helped me along. Others told me that my style of writing was not what Lush was looking for. I remember one told me that a story I’d entered in a competition wasn’t very good and I should consider making changes. I didn’t, and another moderator accepted it. The mod who told me that my story wasn’t very good also entered and managed to get less than half the score I did. So yes, that mod may have been correct. My story may not have been a literal masterpiece of big words or cuss words, but does that really matter? My scribbles have always been simple. In all of the stories I’ve ever written and sold, I have only ever used the “F” word once. The last micro I wrote on here was initially rejected as not being hot enough for this site. I said that I didn’t agree and it was on par with all my other Lush scribbles. Eventually it made it on and received a score of over seventy. That’s not bad for a micro. So, what is your point Verity? Sorry, I was having a ramble; my point is that I believe the moderators should sometimes cut people a little slack. If I may end with one little observation. Looking on the front page, down the bottom, you will see a list of four popular erotic stories. Their scores are, 472, 336, 212 and 172. Below that are for recommended classic stories. Their scores are, 12, 18, 33, and 56. I only say this to show that the customers don’t always agree with the moderators. Okay, as you were, rant over. Stand by your beds. I’ve put my flak jacket on, fire away. Regards, Verity.  PS, lady Sprite was always good and kind to me.

Just to cheer you up. I'm working in here naked. When I say naked, I'm still wearing my bra and panties. I'm not the usual trailer trash. Thank you for reading my story on the other site. I still consider you a star. Regards, Verity.

PS. I made a mistake when posting this. I accidentally pressed the wrong button and reported myself.

Quote by JamesLlewellyn

Have two – second one's on me.

And I found a pair of bloomers a while back. Was wondering if they look…familiar?

Yes they do, and I think you know that they are mine. I said that I wanted to slip into something cold. I didn't say that I wanted something cold to slip into me. Now I know that the old saying is true, as cold as a polar bears d***.

Quote by JamesLlewellyn

Hey Verity. Hi, and welcome back! How's the girl?

The girl is good, thank you for asking. I trust that you are also well. I do look in almost daily (albeit briefly) to see if I have any messages. Even though I outstayed my welcome, I still feel an almost nostalgic urge to visit. After all, I did start here. I’m only passing through, but as I’m here, I’ll have a large gin and tonic before I leave. The queen is dead, long live the king.    

Quote by JustPassingThrough

Quote by verity100

Gone but not forgotten. Oh wait. ...

Who are you again? 😒

Kidding, nice to see you, Verity. Hope all is well with you. We'd love a visit over on SS, too, eh.

Quote by fuzzy1954

Gary Moore Nothing The Same

Funnily, I really only knew Gary from Nightwish's cover of "Over the Hills and Far Away". Finally checked him out last year.

BTW, many people rave about Nightwish's string of excellent female vocalists, but I'm a big fan of their drummers. This one has original drummer Jukka Nevalainen, but his successor Kai Hahto is in the same league.

Thank you drummer. Soon perhaps.

Quote by fuzzy1954

Quote by verity100

Gone but not forgotten. Oh wait. ...

Allow this Lion to say you can't be forgotten with the stable of erocia you have written on Lush

Thank you

Quote by TheTravellingMan

Hi Verity, I understand your point of view entirely and strongly empathise with your point of view. I write for myself and enjoy it immensely. You are an excellent writer, I can appreciate how these things matter to you. They matter to me as well. My challenge is to constantly improve and if I get great feedback - that's wonderful. That feedback really depends on the audience.

I've done my fair share of competitions and will not do another for the same reasons as well. There are several other incompatibilities here that I've seen develop over time (and 96 submissions later).

I write longer stories over many chapters and I prefer that. It's all character-based, not one-handed reading. It's horses for courses and not a criticism of those that write one-off pieces and those that like them - absolutely fine by me, live and let live. I knew the deal, interest wanes - that's fine.

However, with the recent changes to the site, that difference is stark now. I've been pre-occupied by one big question. What to do with my latest story once it's finished? The presentation of it and an access to an audience matters greatly - hence my empathy at your situation.

Seeking an available audience, I need the feedback. There are 'other websites' and I'm going to branch out. I'm considering self-publishing too as I've been told I should countless times.

Never say never, I won't be putting it up here. Over the years, I've disappeared from here for months at a time. However, there is a finality to it this time that was not there before. I'm moving on too.

Dear Travelling Man, thank you for your kind words. I wish you every success in your future writings. I wish I had your ability to write longer stories but sadly I just don’t have the attention span. Perhaps that will come with time, but for now I will have to stick to my shorts.

I joined Lush with the intention of telling just one story. I really didn’t expect it to receive the attention it got, especially as I had never written anything before. It was just an idea I had during the lockdown in England. I was encouraged by the readers to write some more, so I did. I found I couldn’t stop writing once I started. I now write about three a week.

I have enjoyed my time on lush but feel that my style is a better fit somewhere else. I did try a couple of other sites. One in particular has some pretty brutal anonymous trolls but the emails I get from the readers more than makes up for it. It was on one of them that I was approached by a lady mag that liked my non swearing erotic stories. I now write most of my stuff for them but under a different name.

I know I must come across as a spoilt brat for disagreeing with the competition results, but I just like to be fair. I consider myself a fair person. As such, I can’t see the point of entering a competition, getting more votes than the top three and not even making it into the top ten. It’s just the same on the sister site. All that tells me is that the site owner doesn’t like my work. Perhaps it’s the fact that I don’t use swear words, I will never know.

Anyway, that’s my little rant over. I hope my readers will understand and forgive me for leaving. I did have one last story for lush but I sent it to my editor to proof read it for me and she bought it. So, unless I write another one this afternoon I’m finished. Apart from the comps it has been a delight writing here and I wish you all the very best. God bless and Happy Christmas. Kindest regards, Verity

Quote by KimmiBeGood

Hi Miss Verity!

I think you have a point about Home Page too. But, girl, you are read because you have a very appealing writing style, voice. You do!

And, of course, I love the feedback, comments too ... just sayin' don't just need that to feel good about your writing. I hope you enter the latest Lush comp! Let us know if you do as I'm only getting a few notifications.

My lovely, lovely, Kimmi. You have always been a very special supporter of mine and my silly ways. I am so pleased that you are feeling better now. As for the comp, no I will not be entering. For me it’s just a waste of time as the owner and judges don’t like my style of writing.

I did my best and despite getting more readers votes than the top ten I didn’t even get a mention. They have made it clear to me that I’m not a good fit here, I can take a hint.

I don’t wish to sound bitter but I do have pride. At the moment I’m writing for a lady mag but it’s behind a pay wall. They said that they liked my gentile way of writing. I also write for several other sites. I really can’t stop writing now I’ve started. I have one story left for Lush (if it’s accepted) but then I’m leaving. I have really enjoyed my time here but I need to move on to a place where my style is a better fit. Love and kisses, Verity.  

Quote by KimmiBeGood

I started a forum thread somewhere awhile ago that asked the question about if female authors got more attention here. Many said, "Yes." Ha! I think readers often think writers are same sex as what POV was written from.

My latest micro was a little experiment in naughty titles being click-bait here. It was an average-written micro that already has twice as many reads as my last comp piece, but had "bad girlfriend" as title that I thought would pique interests. I think I was right. Most of my stories with naughty titles bring way more reads.

Votes, comments, reads are interesting here and many opinions about what gets them.

I think it’s all down to how lucky you are as to when the story gets posted. My last macro got 60 votes with7.3K reads. Some of my stories only stay on the front page for a few hours, some stay the whole day and do better.

My titles are usually pretty naff compared to most so I don’t think it’s that. It really is all about timing. The front page only has space for 12 stories so if lots go on at the same time they don’t stay there for long.

My comp entries always get more views and votes but as reader votes don’t count it doesn’t really matter with them. On one of the other sites I’ve been writing for recently I’ve had better luck. In two weeks I had over 100K readers. I know you are only supposed to write for yourself but it is nice to be appreciated all the same. It’s the feedback I get from readers I write for, I love it.

Just popped in to say hello. I am sill alive. Congrats to all the comp winners. Can I have a large gin to go?

Quote by JamesLlewellyn

People wander in here, wanting to be good writers, and worried that they will never measure up to the writers that are already here. They almost always get support, encouragement, and, if they ask for it, help. And I can name at least two in that category who are now racking up great numbers of reads and followers.

So my advice to you both is:

1) Keep writing, and publish what you write. It's by far the best way to get better.

2) Read widely, here and elsewhere, and find writers you admire. If you do that here, you can usually get them to offer advice. I've done that, Kimmi has done that, virtually all of us, at one time or another, have asked for help – and received it. Which leads to my third suggestion:

3) Ask for help. Ask more experienced writers for advice, and then try what they suggest.

I wandered in here a few months ago and got lots of help and encouragement. I also lost three pairs of bloomers, but that's another story. It's only the good people in here who kept me going. Look at me now, I'm almost a writer.

I now know what they mean when they say, “as cold as a polar bears dick.” I never thought I would ever say that out loud.

Quote by JamesLlewellyn

Quote by verity100

Quote by JamesLlewellyn

Quote by verity100
My bosoms are not large at all. It's just that on my small frame a D cup will appear that way. It really is just an optical illusion.

Is that "optical illusion" or "optional illusion"?

Just askin'…

That dear James is inversely proportional to my consumption of gin. I would ask you to slip me a large one but fear that innocent request may be taken the wrong way.

Well, that's easily fixed, dear Verity. All you have to do is twist your body slightly to the right, like this, and you won't take it the wrong way.

Problem solved!

Quote by KimmiBeGood

Thank you, sweet Rumpies! kiss

I'm splurging on pricier Contoura Lasik and Monovision (monovision is the thing that will rid me of readers too.) Supposedly they load me up on Valium beforehand and the procedure takes 10 minutes. So, I don't want to be held responsible for my behavior should I wander in here while under the influence of drugs.

I do hope I can see Miss Verity's big boobies more clearly when I return. And I may wish I could see some things in here a little less clearly. 😳

A hot cocoa with tons of mini marshmallows, please.

My dear Kimmi, you are more than welcome to an eyefull of my boobies anytime you like. As for entering this den of debauchery under the influence. The last time I did that I couldn’t sit down for a week.

Quote by JamesLlewellyn

Quote by verity100
My bosoms are not large at all. It's just that on my small frame a D cup will appear that way. It really is just an optical illusion.

Is that "optical illusion" or "optional illusion"?

Just askin'…

That dear James is inversely proportional to my consumption of gin. I would ask you to slip me a large one but fear that innocent request may be taken the wrong way.

Quote by Fluttered

Quote by verity100

And me

And don’t forget about you who can never be ignored. Despite my best efforts, you just slink into my mind and take up residence, swilling your gin to your hearts content singing your naughty little ditties or was it swinging your delightful big titties

My bosoms are not large at all. It's just that on my small frame a D cup will appear that way. It really is just an optical illusion.

Quote by KimmiBeGood

Hi Rumpies! wave

Rumpies, I'm giving myself new eyeballs early Thursday morning and could use prayers, well wishes, if inclined. I've had very poor eyesight (like can't see big E in Dr office) since a very young girl. As a single Mom, I don't treat myself often, but have decided to gift myself new eyes now. I'm scared but my son is going with me and the Dr is allowing me my emotional support animal (pink alpaca-fur teddy bear) to cling to during the procedure. If all goes well my nearsightness, astigmatism, night vision issues, and need for bifocals will be fixed. Thank you! kiss

I'll be in the corner reading...

Dearest Kimmi, I will say a little prayer for you. I know what it’s like. I have a very rare condition called “Gin-Vision.” Not only does it affect my eyesight, it also makes me drop my bloomers. I wear goggles all the time now, can’t see a thing without them. Last Sunday I put my makeup on without them. I ended up looking like The Joker. I’m pleased to say that I am still drop-dead gorgeous though. Sending you virtual hugs.

Quote by kistinspencil

Quote by verity100
It managed a respectable 45 votes so far. Not too shabby for 100 words.

And nearly 5,000 views, which is extraordinary for any micro, let alone one up for a day. You may have a coattail troll or two, Sweet Verity, but people are drawn to what you write like bees to the finest flower.

My dearest Kistin, you are the queen of the macro. It all comes down to luck. My one went up on a slow news day and hung around for longer than usual. I have written longer stories that I felt were quite good (for me) but they slid off the front page in a matter of minutes. Now that my followers are are not being notified, they go unnoticed. If a whole batch of stories go on at the same time, and yours just happens to be the first, it slides off quit quickly. I wrote one that I really liked called My Hospital Visit. It was on and off faster than my bloomers in Rumps. Even my trolls didn't see it. Speaking of trolls, you really shouldn't worry about them. At least they leave a score and they all add up. Perhaps my trolls don't like that my stories are too prudish. They never say so I'll never know. Some people do like my silly way of writing and so I write for them. When they stop liking them I'll stop writing them. I'm not going to let the trolls win.

Quote by NewLushSeeker

Quote by CarltonStJames
For now, I've been feeling creatively bland, so we'll see.

You, too, eh. I got out two stories for SS (in my sig) and then wham, nothing. I've tried a few for both there and here but nothing seems to come out as a story I'd want to put my name on. There's a non-erotic ghost story comp from a small press I'm eyeing that I might shoot for but, again, not really clicking on any of the ideas I've tried for it. 500 word flash so not a lot of effort, but it would be my first submission outside the Lush/SS family of sites so I'd like it to be something good.

Yard cleaned up, yard waste out for pickup, minimal pain involved (my back ain't happy, but it's been worse). Time for a tailgater, I think.

I looked at that 500 worder myself. I thought of an idea but couldn't squeeze it down to size. I'm going to get it under 2,000 and submit it as a Christmas ghost story on SS.

Quote by kiteares

Quote by verity100

This is my latest story. There is always one hater out there. Bless them...

Do excuse my language Verity... but if you are talking about your micro, they are fucking idiots and you can't do anything about them #shrugs# I thought it was superb.

My dear Kiteares, you are a delight to behold. Thank you for your words of kindness. That person is indeed what you said. Hard to believe that it was rejected by the mod for not being "sexy enough." I believe someone at the bar may have intervened and got it passed. It managed a respectable 45 votes so far. Not too shabby for 100 words.

On a completely different note, I now know how to land a Boeing 737 (don't ask.) I don't think I would make a very good pilot though. The thought of getting into the pilots cockpit while he adjusted my flaps is more than a shy refined lady like me could take. Never mind his joystick.

James, I have just finished your comp story. I now need a very large dirty gin and a sit down. A part of me thinks that world is closer than we think. Oh my.

Quote by kistinspencil

Quote by verity100

Quote by kistinspencil

I wrote a micro yesterday. I hadn't intended to, it just popped out as I was fixing Miss Pixel's supper. It is a subject I know nothing about and the votes seem to prove it -- a 4 in the first five minutes, a 3 in the first ten, and a 1 for breakfast this morning, my first ever. On the other hand, it has been read more times in ten hours than my last three stories combined. It really is tiresome trying to understand these things. Photographing birds is a lot easier. And more fun.

Every Other Thursday (no guarantees it will still be there by noon)

I wouldn’t worry dear Kistin, as long as your regular readers like it that’s good enough. Lately I have got a few ones and twos. I know they are only jealous so don’t let them bother me. I had a macro rejected today. It was about a threesome with two men, none of whom was my husband. Apparently it wasn’t sexy enough. You know me, a threesome with two men is about as sexy as I can get. I’m going to give Lush a break for a while. It’s all getting a little strange for me here.

That's what I'm telling myself. The virginity taking poke of the 1 vote just threw me. I had checked the spelling and commas and everything. Oh, well. There's always cribbage, even if Miss Pixel cheats.

This is my latest story. There is always one hater out there. Bless them...