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5 days ago
Straight Male, 51
0 miles · Rocky Mount


Active Ink Slinger
#1-(by a mile) The Walking Dead
#2- Grimm
#3- Justified
#4- Big Bang Theory
#5- Once Upon A Time
Active Ink Slinger
I wish there was a way for people to tell their friends that they are leaving Lush. I also was friends with Duece226 and was looking forward to more of their story. I had chatted with both him and his wife and found them to be very nice and interesting people. Then one day, POOF, gone without a trace, along with all of their great stories. I personally don't have a lot of friends on here, but if I decided to leave I would at least leave a good bye message. It would just be courteous. I know that some people get on these sites and don't really think that people connect or start friendships, but you do. And when you up a leave without at least a good bye. You don't have to even give a reason for leaving but at least say good bye.
Also, if you deactivate your account, wouldn't your stories still be here? Or is it basically the same a deleting, everything is gone.
I would have loved to know what happened to Duece226 and why they decided to leave, but I guess they had their reasons. Still....
Active Ink Slinger
I usually get around four hours a night. Anymore than that and I'm more tired than with just the four.
Active Ink Slinger
I would choose sex!! Problem is the wife would choose sleep, and there lies the problem.
Active Ink Slinger
It's' a Wonderful Life
Star Wars( all six movie because it really is one long movie)
A Christmas Story
Active Ink Slinger
Ladies, I am 40 year old man married to a 35 year old woman for 15 years. Our sex life isn't dead, but it's definitely on life support. We have twin 4 year olds who start school this week. I am still very interested in sex with my wife, but her desire seems to have gone to next to nothing. We've talked to each other about it and we are at an impasse about where to go or to do at this point. She knows how I feel ( which is to have sex more than once every two months), but she says "I don't know how to be what you want me to be." I have no response to this. When we do have sex, it is very good to great, it's just that three, four, or five weeks pass before we do it again. Last year, we made love a total of 8 times for the entire year and this year isn't going much better. My question is there anything that she or I could do to help her to become more interested in sex again? She doesn't like how she is and doesn't like how it makes me feel. She is on birth control and an antidepressant medication(I've researched the ad and it usually makes women more interested in sex, so I don't think that's it.) She has also stated that she isn't looking for anyone else(neither am I). We have tried reading erotica which didn't work, and I don't want to put so much pressure on her that she just gives in to please me, I want her to want me and this. I just don't know what to do to help or if there is anything that I can do. Serious responses please. I am open to any suggestions and appreciate any efforts.
Active Ink Slinger
This is an awesome idea!! Great Thinking John!!! Number 343 please
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by tango48
doubt it!

Thanks Tango48, really great constructive feedback. A 2 word response??? Really??
Active Ink Slinger
I started my very first story for lush tonight. I'm nervous and excited!
Active Ink Slinger
I'm with Pussylicious, why?? I love my wife and don't think I could share her. I'll be honest, I have thought of this fantasy, but it brought up some issues in my mind. What if she found someone who was better than me? What if he was bigger? What if she no longer desired me, only other men? The fantasy would be very hot and I do want nothing but pleasure for my wife. But I think it will only be just that: a fantasy. I would probably only consider it if she brought it up with no prompting from me. She has never voiced any interest in it and says she is happy the way things are.
Active Ink Slinger
What was your worst swinging experience? I would like to hear some of the worst case experiences. Thanks

LOL, ok, perhaps I should have been more specific!! What are some of your worst sexual swinging experiences??