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Over 90 days ago
Lesbian Female, 32
0 miles · United States


^^^Disney movies are the best!!!!

1. I'm great at baking cheesecake.
2. I have slightly over a handful of cats (guess I fit the typical lesbian stereotype?)
3. My eyes change according to mood or what I wear. (shades of blue/green/grey)
2005 Chevy Malibu smile Still running strong. Her name is Peyton Sawyer, named after my favorite character in One Tree Hill heart
I can't believe this game is still goingbiggrin I started a thing!! yay!!!! *happy dance*

Soap and water
Are you male or female? Female
How old are you? 20
How many times a week do you masturbate? It depends on my moods. Sometimes every day, sometimes multiple times per day, sometimes not.
How many times do you orgasm each time you play? usually more than just once.

Where do you masturbate:
In bed? Yes
In the shower? Yes
In the bath? I only take showers.
Outdoors? haven't yet.
At work? thought about it...
Every room in the house? yes
In a car while traveling... ? nope.

What do you fantasize about when you play:
A significant other? i did when I had one. but now I don't so no.
A friend? yes
A friend's spouse? no.
A stranger? sometimes
A student? if you mean a girl of legal age dressed in a schoolgirl outfit yes.
A member of the same sex? yes
A past lover? yes

What position do you play in:
On your back? yes (mostly)
Standing? yes(in the shower)
Kneeling? maybe like once or twice, idk
Sitting? yes
Lying on tummy? yes

How do you play:
With left hand? yes
With right hand? yes
With a toy? sometimes
With water from bath? from the showerhead.
Written erotica? yes
Pictures? not really
Movie clips online? sometimes
Videos? yeah
Something on TV? sometimes

What is your favorite porn:
Straight sex between man and woman? meh. if the woman is really hot then i'll just watch her.
Gay or lesbian sex? lesbian yes. gay no.
Group sex or orgies? sure
Blow jobs/oral sex? not blow jobs. ew.
Cumshots? no.
Anal? nah
Interracial? depends on my mood
Age play? huh? like older and younger? idk what this means so I guess not lol?
S&M? sometimes. but not like the extreme kind.
Role playing? sometimes.
Kinky? sometimes

Have you ever masturbated to:
Email messages? nah
A chat room dialogue? yeah
Exchanged stories or pictures? yes

Have you ever:
Been caught masturbating? almost. that was scary.
Masturbated for a man/woman? yes (woman)
Masturbated for the same sex? yes
Masturbated in a group? no
Masturbated for a photo? yes
Masturbated for a webcam? yes
Masturbated for a video? yes

Do you ever:
Play with nipples/breasts when masturbating? Yes
Insert something or play with your ass? nah
Insert something in mouth when masturbating? nah. sometimes i bite my pillow if i think i'll moan loudly.
Use pain as a method of playing? nah

For men and women:
Do you taste your cum? Yes
When was the last time you masturbated? in the shower last night
Are you wet or hard now? sadly no:/ I hate once a month stuff.
Are you going to masturbate now? i wish.
Are you a masturbation addict? possibly lol
What is the most you have played in one day? idk i dont really keep track, but theres been a few days where i just stayed home and played all daysilly
candy is my biggest weakness. I always seem to involuntarily throw chocolate bars in the shopping cart every time I go to the store. And if it isn't chocolate, it's some other type of candy. I definitely have a sugar addiction.
Quote by sprite
my cats do understand English. they ignore it, but they understand it.

Mine do too. I'm sure they know what "NO" and "Off the table" mean by now, but they have selective hearing lol
Omg only ONE thing?? This is insanely difficult. Uhhhh I guess I would probably have to go with this dress I just bought this past week that I got to wear for eastersmile I reallllly like itbiggrin probably since I bought it with a gift card haha silly but really it's cute tho:)
It isn't really a word more of an expression I guess:
YOLO (You Only Live Once)
OMG I can't stand it. It's used stupidly. People over use it saying stupid stuff like "Oh let's go to the club cause YOLO!" NO. shutup. It is sooo annoying.
I am extremely stubborn. Once my mind is set on something, it is EXTREMELY difficult for me to change.
Agree and disagree it depends on a few things and also mood that day.
Unicorns are the best animals ever created.
geez I don't even know where to start. I have even been called things that dont make sense at all for me. I've been called worthless, pathetic, a slut, whore, bi*ch, fat, anorexic, c*nt, amazon, green giant, abnormal, huge, beanstalk, giraffe, lion, disgusting, loser, a nothing, stupid... I can keep going on and on with this. Really the worst thing isn't only one thing, it's all these things added together that killed my self esteem... People can be so mean. I suppose it makes me stronger, but it still hurts sometimes...
it can just be said as 'four in the afternoon' too... Or if you want to be even fancier it could be 'four in the early evening'. I think the way I usually write it though would be 4pm I never really thought of how to write it until now.

That was my day. Except I am not as attractive as the woman in the picture and I'm wearing sweatpants and an old tshirt...
I slowly pushed her back onto the bed, placing soft kisses starting at her neck, traveling downwards, until I reached her soaking wet pussy.