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Active Ink Slinger
Oh my god yes, I wish my wife would, but she seems against anything anal related, giving or receiving.
I used to do it to myself whenever she went out, don't get the time too now sad
Active Ink Slinger
It's hard to say 'cause some games you loved "back in the day" now seem bloody terrible. But going from how much I enjoyed them at the time and/or still do, in no particular order.

Final Fantasy VIII
Metal Gear Solid (1 or 2, i'm not sure)
Lollipop Chainsaw
Rock Band 3
Forza Horizon 2
Sunset Overdrive
Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo
Metropolis Street Racer
Active Ink Slinger
Say your sister in law was Olivia Wilde or Mila Kunis or Kat Dennings, ya know an absolutle knock out beauty, are you telling me you wouldn't at least be thinking about it? 'Cause in my eyes that's how beautiful her sister is. I'm not saying i'd ever do anything and I don't think she would either, but ya know.
Active Ink Slinger
I would say probably 99% of men do, simply cause it seems sort of normal to try it nowadays what with all the internent porn and most of it seeming to contain anal. I've personally had anal 4 times with 2 different girls, twice with each.
The 1st girl was my 1st ever gf, after about 9 months of asking she let me and it was awesome, she was terrible at sex but this was amazing, same the 2nd time.
The 3rd time was with a fuck buddy I had (after the above gf). She simply said to me on about our 3rd time I think it was that she was on "that time" and so we had to do anal, who was I to argue and we did it and again in the morning before work, that felt really naughty! hehe.
I think the fact they both let me do it more than once showed they must've at least got something out of it, neither time I had to ask for it the 2nd time.
My wife won't allow it though, which is very dissapointing but she says it's cause i'm too big so I suppose there are worse reasons to be deined it.
Active Ink Slinger
I've been with my wife 6 years now and the whole time i've had a major thing for her sister. Well actually both her sisters, they're both stunningly beautiful. But the eldest sister inparticular i'm just infatuated with. I wouldn't say I love her, she's just my idea of perfection in a woman. Blue eyes, glasses, lovely big booty on a relatively slim woman, big(ish) boobs and I know she takes it up that perfect booty of hers.
We used to see eachother maybe every month roughly and that would usually be with my wife too, but now i've only seen her twice this year I think, including yesterday and yesterday was the I think only the 2nd time we've ever got to hang out on our own. I mearly went round her house to pick some things up and drop some off, but I ended up staying for about 2 hours (before my wife annoyingly joined us). I had a good old flirt with her, complemented her on her cooking, slagged off the people she doesn't like, told her how beautiful she was. But it just wasn't going anywhere.
I really don't think she sees me in a sexual way. There was a time when we used to hang out more (parties etc) when I thought she did, she's smacked my butt before and told me how hot she thought I was when we first met. But now i'm just lost. I'm sure it's a good thing she might not like me in that way 'cause I do love my wife very much and would hate to lose her and i'm sure fucking the shit out of her sister would probably not be a good thing according to her lol. But my god I really would give anything to have that sweet booty on my face.

OK, i'm aware there's not really a question there. I suppose I'm asking for people's opinions and/or has anyone else had a thing for their sister in law? If so did you act on it? what happened?
Active Ink Slinger
If you mean actual red, as in girls who dye there hair the colour red then that's damn hot.
If you mean "redhead" as in ginger's then hell yes too. Kari Byron & Julianne Moore are 2 of the sexiest women on earth I think.
Active Ink Slinger
When i was younger, free, single and more fit it was anywhere between 1 & 5 a day.
But now I live with my girl and she doesn't approve of me masterbating (won't give me sex often either) I have to do it when I get the chance, so usually 1 a day, 2 if i'm lucky.
Active Ink Slinger
Not all, but i'd say a good 90% of them. I do know quite a few stunningly beautiful women, especially my wifes sister(s) who I class as friends.
TBH when I wank it's usually after thinking about one of them or seeing them on facebook and it get's me kind of going.
Active Ink Slinger
I have no doubts my wife would be epicly pissed, but she doesn't have to find out. I know this sounds sleezy but hey biggrin
I saw her in her bra & undies a few days ago, it was an accident but she didn't shy away at all. My god it was hot. I was thinking about it for days. I wish I could do so many things to her, hehe.
Active Ink Slinger
Dreamt about her again the other night. I left my wife for her, all we did was kiss but damn it was a good kiss.
Active Ink Slinger
I bumped into her the otherday on the train and had a good old chat, was lovely and I couldn't help keep staring at her boobs/bra in her vest/tank top thing. She so stunningly beautiful...... Damn it I want her so bad.
Active Ink Slinger
To those that have suggested writing about it, I have, but apparently i'm a terrible writer and they keep getting rejected biggrin
Was chatting to her the other day and the feelings are strong in this one. All I can think about when i'm with her is how beautiful she is, I just mealt into her eyes. I think i'm falling for her big time...... She's always on my mind when I masterbate too.....
Active Ink Slinger
Haha, I may well do something to that effect. "lemme eat your ass" I might say ;)
Active Ink Slinger
Had a party round hers a few days ago and my god..... She's so lovely too.... She looked stunning, her ass in the jeans she was wearing, my god! She certainly enjoys my company, loves hugging me and even gave me a friendly kiss. Now I know some of you will be like "SHE KISSED YOU!?" but the way we are it wasn't really sexual.
However this kiss. She was mucking about with me and was close to me and said something like "come here" I told her i'd lick her face and she got right up close so I licked her cheek jokingly and she was like "oh my god I was gonna kiss you" so I just said "oh" and she then kissed me, like i said it wasn't particlarly sexual, but i'm not sure if maybe she was thinking it might've been had I not been silly.... or i'm just thinking to much into it and it was a friendly peck.
Active Ink Slinger
The butt smacking thing is getting blown a little out of proportion. I was going up the stairs in front of her and she just did it. I've seen a friend smack my wife on the butt. It's no big deal if it's in the right context to us. Don't get me wrong I'd love to have smacked her ass! biggrin
Hell her best friend kissed me once playfully, but cause it was playful my wife didn't care, they then kissed too btw.

I think there's different degrees of flirting and this is harmless, it's not like we say to eachother we want to fuck one another lol.
Active Ink Slinger
Paul_moadib - why's it icky? You're not blood related.
HandsomeScientis - Haha I know what you mean. My wife (in my opinion) is a 9, with or without make up. But her sister looks fucking amazing when she puts her slap on. definately upto 11!
Active Ink Slinger
I've dreamt about her twice over the last couple of days and my god do I wake up horny. She shoved her ass in my face in one of them and I can still picture it now...... Damn sister in laws.
Active Ink Slinger
Magical Felix - lol, we flirt in a nice way not a really dirty way and she does love her sister (my wife) very much. It's just the way me & her seem to talk to eachother. She's smacked me on the ass before but I not grabbed hers.... That would be like heaven, her butt is fantastic!
Active Ink Slinger
OLDJOCK - trust me i've jerked off to the idea (and her pictures) many many times. She's usually in my head when i'm doing the wife too biggrin
I honestly don't think it'll ever happen anyway. Nothing like that ever happens to me anyway.
Active Ink Slinger
I know your right.... But.... I'd love to feel her warmth.
To be honest I highly doubt it'd ever come close to it ever happening anyway.
Active Ink Slinger
I've been with my wife almost 5 years now and I love her to bits, but she has 2 sisters, 1 older, 1 younger, both stunningly beautiful, and I am totally in lust with them, the eldest particularly. We're both 29 and get on really well and seem to have a good flirt online every now and then. I don't think I'd ever cheat on my wife, but if her sister offered, i don't know if i'd be able to resist.
I think my question here is, is this normal, to like your sister in law like this?
Has anyone actually "had" their sister in law? If so what happened.
Active Ink Slinger
I have a huge thing for my sister in law. I love my wife to bits and I don't think i'd ever act on it. But i've masterbated to the idea of it and pictures of her quite a bit. She is stunningly beautiful and is always so nice to me.
I did start to write a story about it on here, but I suck at writing and it wasn't good enough and I don't have the time to do it anymore.
Active Ink Slinger
When I was really young (like 14 maybe). I masterbated on a train. We had a big table so I could hide what I was doing underneath the table and a magazine. But I will always remember doing it because there was the most beautiful blonde hippy looking chick asleep sitting on the seat to my right. I can't remember how I wiped anything away. But I know I cum. I'd never have the balls to do that now haha.

Not sure if this counts or not, but I also did it in a car once when my girlfriend wasn't in the mood so I wanked off onto her tits/top. And then we went to the cinema with my jizz drying on her top biggrin
Active Ink Slinger
Me and the misses at the time got caught doing it in a car by 2 girls walking past. I saw them, they saw me, one of them gave me a thumbs up and me & the misses kept going. Made my heart go mad, but was awesome.

I also got caught being given a BJ in a park at night by my fuck buddy, i broke my phone in the process of us running away haha.
Active Ink Slinger
1, Lisa Scott-Lee (British singer from the band Steps)
2, Miley Cyrus (preferably when she was a brunnete, but a legal one obviously)
3, Kat Dennings (2 broke girls' Max, It's like they created the perfect woman from my thoughts)
4, Maria Sharapova (Tennis Playing stunner)
5, Olivia Wilde (chick from House, just amazing!)

Men, now i'm not gay, but I can appreciate a pretty man. I'm gonna say this is more men i'd like to look like:
1, Ryan Reynolds (duh!)
2, Vin Diesel (i'd love to be that built)
3, Mark Whalberg (same as above)
4, Peter Facinelli (from Fastlane, not Twighlight)
5..... No idea!
Active Ink Slinger
If the misses would let me, her ass. But I never get that honour. I love coming on a girls face, but the older/less fit I get, I really can't be bothered to pull out and cum anywhere so it always goes right up her pussy.
Active Ink Slinger
I had a dream the other night where I pissed all over my sister in law and I never really thought about it before, but it was extremely arousing.
Now my sister in law is very attractive, but for obvious reasons i'd much rather attempt this with my wife.
Any ladies in here ever been pissed on? Did you want to do it? How did your partner pursuade you?
I need help on how to hopefully persuade her to give it a go