Join the best erotica focused adult social network now
Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 155
United States


This is a very poor business decision on behalf of 250,000 people in which this site believes will suddenly be a revenue driver.
Even at $1USD per member per year, they're raking in a quarter million a year to run this rather simplistic website. And the contributors are still the general public.

I understand the costs associated with such sites but there are statistics being left off, like the number of active users, average time between visits, etc.
There are people on here who have not accessed their account in years. While it looks great for membership numbers it is not truly reflective of the number of active members.

To me this looks like a way for those who own / run this website to capitalize on their success by seeking money from each of us.
I personally only smoke a cigar on the odd occasion. I find a girl that smokes a cigar occasionally to be incredibly sexy too.
But no ciggarettes ever.
This one girl Gaby was really after me. I never felt it back then, but looking back I really should have taken her.
Love girls in panties. The word panties is kind of kinky too smile
US, Mexico, France, Hungary, Czech Republic, Austria, and Belgium.
So that would total 7 countries.