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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 54
United States


yes I have and enjoyed it very much. I would consider myself straight to bi flexible I don't get out much any more
one of my shirts and nothing else
if fucking is involved any sexy lingerie is fine
I like all woman as long as they are not extremely over weight and they suck a good dick!
Shaved or trimmed. Who likes to eat and floss at the same time?
yes I sure would! If she were a willing participant in this sort of sexual adventure.
I went thru a phase where I dressed in bras and panties garters stockings corsets baby dolls women's dresses skirts jeans slacks what ever woman's cloths I felt sexy in at the time. Ii shaved my whole body put on make up and a wig went out in public meet several men and went to hotels with them sucked their cocks and let them fuck me all night long. Now I don't do this any more but I still think about from time to time
an Ice Cold Coors Light with a shot of Jim Beam on the side
Coke it tastes better with my Beam.
I did the Pepsi Challenge one time and picked the can of Coke. it made the Pepsi guy mad.
Speaking of Coke time to add the Jim Beam.
its always been Coke. if they offer me a Pepsi at a restaurant I ask if monopoly money is ok to pay with. they get the idea that I don't like Pepsi real quick.
1 vote for Coca Cola
I've always had a thing for lauren Bacall she had it going on in the movie KEYLARGO
YES I think they are sexy! would love to get with one and just meet one
I would LOVE to give it a try for a week period or no period. been married for 14 years and still connot figure the woman out as it changes daily.
Maybe after a week I would know what a woman is thinking that away I would know what she wanted from me for a change. as for the sex part that would be a big plus to feel what a woman feels.
Quote by sexi_virgin25
That is an interesting question, that I would like to see the response, but I got another interesting question for bisexual men. How come you guys won't admit to being gay instead of saying that you are bisexual? You would think that if a man that loves cock and men so much, he would be gay instead of messing around with someone he does not like at all.

ok why is a woman Bisexual she likes pussy and dick so why cant a man like both without being gay
NICE keep posting pics
we all like to look at any and all nude pics on this site
I Know I Do
Catch 22 here
Blow job hum requires it to be in the mouth with licking and sucking.
use of hands is allowed and required sometimes.
But to put it in the words of my WIFE if its in my mouth its a BLOW JOB no matter what I think. that should settle it for him.
Neither Coke with a shot of Bourbon gets me going every morning
or my favorite Morning SEX
I like it what ever it takes to keep the mood going where ever your at or whoever your with
used to now I don't I guess it was a faze a couple of years ago
I would do what most men would do I would kiss her back and see where it would lead maybe to a bed maybe just a kiss
Now for my RANT. Its ok for a woman to like another woman but it not ok for man to like another man whats the difference pussy is pussy and dick is dick. who cares who is doing what. as long as they do each other to satisfaction who gives a shit. I used to cross dress suck dick and take it up the ass a couple of years ago but I finally grew out of that stage of my life. I still like to play with other women but who is to say if the right man came along again I wouldn't fuck him again. women and pussy is still my favorite form of sex always has and always will be
Shaved or Trimmed it don't matter which but who likes to eat and floss at the same time
NO she does not. She would FLIP the fuck out as she is so straight laced does not talk about sex wont have sex outside the bedroom I cant even grab her ass in public.
I am willing and ready to do what ever she wants in the sex department. yes I would kiss mouth or her lick her pussy after I came in it.
If it makes her happy because we all know if she ain't happy we ain't happy. besides I used to dress up all the time but gave that up a while ago.