Breasts are beautiful, no matter what size...large, XL or otherwise...nipples / areola (from my perspective) can be a turnoff depending on shape / size. Hope I'm not stating anything too inflammatory here by calling that out or making anyone feel self-conscious.
Politely kiss on the cheek
Never Masturbated, but had a few gfs jerk me off. Skipped study hall and hung out under the gymnasium bleachers making out.
Which do you like more oral or finger foreplay and why?
Hug...without being too handsy
Once this morning, before work...always a great start to the day...almost as refreshing as coffee, almost ;)
Politely kiss on the cheek and pass
Loves a girl who watches porn, but then again...who doesn't?!
Whenever / wherever the mood strikes...shower, couch, bed, light on, light off...
Larger breasts are not ultimately as much of a turn on as the woman. I've been with women that were A - DD cups and I can't really say larger breasts are automatically a turn on for me. Actually, nipples as much a focal point for me as the breast because pointy nipples are a turn on for me. Still, the size of the breast is not half as important as how comfortable the woman is with her sexuality.
Let's start with some kisses, hugs and then move on to the fun stuff....?????
Not maybe an option? lol