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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 32


I am okay with accents - they actually do not have much effects on me. Actually I myself is not a native speaker of English and during my learning (now I can use English at a near native level) my accents changed a lot. From an accent that is a lot affected by my native language to a semi-British accent and now an American accent that is a mix of Tenessee and California.
I myself is a big guy, but I really don't mind the height of my girl. Petite girls, tall girls, both fun, in different ways.
If you tend to break the phones, choose iPhone and remember to backup your data and buy the AppleCare as it can get your thing replaced whenever you broke it. (I have replaced my phone for 3 times citing a defective baseband in early-run iPhone 4S devices, and my bodel have only 1 run in my place.)
I am a total engineering guy - to the extent that I am a geek.

I have some geeky habits, like I tend to say too much about my profession that is about to happen (jump over if you are not interested), I don't use Windows unless really needed (e.g. running some Windows-only program or writing Windows-only code for my projects), thus almost all of my computers runs either OS X (I have a Mac) or Linux. I don't play computer games and keep persuading everyone else out of it, and I take everything in my life a possible experiment. If sufficiently provoked, I explode like hell. As a people from and living in a non-English country (Not even in countries that used an alphabet) I speak a lot of English (proudly I can speak near-native English as a foreigner). Very Sheldon, right?

I have some sad experiences on girls who rejected me like shit. So what should I do is correct for you ladies?
Quote by blazestcyr
love yourself and others will love you too

i know simple and trite but people love and admire those who are comfortable in their own skin

as for nerdy types...well they are my

and we all know nerds RULE the world

bill gates anyone???

just love yourself the rest will come

i promise!!!


I actually don't have much problem with my current body, but it seemed that those girls around me see the size as a major turn-off.

About the "nerdy", I am actually a Steve Wozniak kind of guy, a good engineer but a poor marketeer - I can create a complete mobile app single-handedly.

About the Bill Gates reference, I am actually sort of a anti-Microsoft person. I use Linux, Mac and iOS, but not Windows. (I can easily create an app that runs on Linux, Mac and iOS flawlessly, but to make it run under Windows that is simply a pain in the ass.)

And after all, thank you very much.
Quote by Shylass

Personally, I don't care what you look like. I care about whether you are kind, honest, and considerate. I love to laugh, so if you have a sense of humour, or at least don't patronise me for mine, then I would not mind one way or the other.

You will find that many on here care about your looks and size, and they openly say so. But others of us don't.

I am very shy too, so if you had less confidence than me (that's difficult), then we would struggle in a relationship.

But in my opinion, if you are kind, honest, considerate, and share your cookies, I would say you have no reason not to be confident about who you are. Others may say things to you about your size and/or shyness, but as far as I'm concerned, I would want to know the man inside the outer shell who is hiding behind the shyness, however long that might take.

Unless you're a mean, selfish or nasty person, you have no reason to feel bad about yourself, in my opinion, despite what other shallow or cruel people might tell you about yourself. That's how I feel.

Thanks, Daisy. (Actually I wanted to add you as a friend for a long time, but your bio and your articles which suggested your shyness scared me off - I an afraid of my behavior backfiring, which used to happen and was quite painful for me)

Well I am actually not that shy as you, at least not when going around the topics of relationship & sex. And I am quite chubby (as known on my measurements listed above and as discussed here <>) which make me even more shy (generally) towards girls. Is there any way to improve this?

Anyway, thanks for your suggestion, Daisy.
My best option will be curvy or BBW.

First there is a physical limit: I am sort of huge myself, so a skinny girl may have trouble with me. Another point is that seeing a girl's bones are sort of a turn-off to me.
I am an Asian guy (but I think I speak good English smile which is very proud for me.) that is quite shy to girls about relationships. I am quite open to girls and are brave to talk to them, but what I dare to do is only to make good friends with them, not a relationship. I don't know if it is due to the social pressure from my physical size and/or my interest.

I am almost 1.85m (6'1") but weights almost 135kg (300lbs). I am passionate about computer technology, trying to get a degree in it, and am already a licensed engineer in my country (licensed before I finished high school!)

If you have any questions, please follow up this thread and ask.
As a reader and future writer in China, I always have trouble connecting to Lush without technological assistance. It seemed that the Chinese government have put the IPv4 address of Lush onto the blacklist of a national firewall together with Facebook.

However there are two things that can be used: 1) unlike Facebook, Lush is not blocked in the DNS system, which mean that our Chinese readers can still get the correct address, but the connection is jammed, and 2) there is no evident that the national firewall can do anything about the IPv6 protocol, even if it is tunneled in IPv4 packets that does not enforce encryption.

Based on this, if Lush start to provide IPv6 access, it will be easier for us Chinese readers to connect to Lush, if the IPv6 can be connected or tunneled properly.
Just for your information, I am still a virgin guy. My upbringing expected me to keep virginity until marriage, and my wife should be expected to be a virgin as well, and we shall surrender our vicinity to each other at the night of wedding.
Quote by crazydiamond

No minimum??? Really

Maybe there is a law for minimum age of sex, there is surely no minimum age for love, given that the person in question knows what the feeling is.
Quote by JamieW
If the love in the relationship is strong enough and it's legal, I don't see a problem really, as long as it's not extreme! Like a 20 year old with a 70 year old it's cool...

If the love is true, a 28-year-old gal surely can marry a 82-year-old man. (Actually this is a real story, an 82-year-old Chinese mathematician married his 28-year-old student recently after years of his previous wife's death, and made quite a bit of news.)