I would like to offer a slightly different perspective if I may. About 6 years ago a family member of mine broke up with her then fwb , and the young lady , who apparently wanted more than a FWB relationship began searching online , quickly meeting someone and chatting for a few weeks, eventually deciding to travel a few hundred miles to meet her new friend.
What precautions she took to ensure her safety we will never know since ,unfortunately , she never came back.
My family member , who is the type to always take responsibility for anything she's involved with , took it VERY hard , completely purging her online footprint and even to this day it effects her online interactions
So, this girls decision not only hurt her, her friends and her family , but mine as well.
I have never considered meeting another lush member since I'm married and since I met my husband when I 16 , have never thought about what I would do in your friends place but it seems many people here have and are offering wonderful suggestions . Pass them on to your friend and cross your fingers she will listen