I for one look for constructive criticism and think it would help improve my writing, but have noticed that those that score very low are those that don't leave comments and that makes me wonder if the low scores are just out of spite. I know I was so hurt by low scoring that it caused me to curtail my writing to the point that i don't even try any longer.
You put your all into writing and to be shot down by those that cant even be bothered to mention why they didn't like it makes it seem futile to put the time into trying to create something enjoyable.
I know I should be thicker skinned, but to a beginning writer, a one or two score is devastating.
Lesbians like broccoli, but some prefer spinach.z8uo3BOS7qBr05k1
Scott Turow, James Patterson.
There were witnesses to this? It looks like a posed photo from a disreputable tabloid, but if it really happened it's shameful that no one tried to help.
I'd be trying to climb out as opposed to staring at the train like a trapped deer.W920OwmH70l96O2W
Is there anything lush members can do to help these issues?
Whipped cream and cherries.
LOL Choenix would be one person to fantasize about;)
kisses and fukes back to you!
I wish Tammy would stay in my bed forever!
Dec. 13th if not already taken.
It seems as if your comfort zone is more comfortable and attracted to men not considered buff and I can relate to that, and don't find ''perfect'' men very attractive either, or at least a conventional idea of a guy that is so toned he loves his body more than mine.
I tend to be attracted to slimmer,arty talented thoughtful types, but the thing is, we look for certain traits that send tingles and thank goodness we all have different tingle-o-meters.