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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 40
0 miles · Nottingham


Quote by Beffer
I'm more attracted to girls, and the guys I find attractive are the ones who are pretty, like girls... boyish, slender, young or effeminate. Beautiful eyes and bubble-butts. Lots of hair on their head, none anywhere else. I've never been turned on by masculine traits. A lot of the guys I go for are gay, so I'm often barking up the wrong tree. lol

You're far from alone - we men really mug ourselves thinking we have to conform to classical gender roles
Quote by sprite

hi John. i think that you are probably not going to get a definitive answer here, but i could be wrong. i think that it's going to vary from woman to woman and that you're going to discover that we have a wide variety of tastes in what we find sexy.

I very much hope this is the case - it would be a dull world indeed if there were one ideal of beauty, and my hope is to open my eyes a little wider and behold a little more. The details you've offered paint a gorgeous picture. It sounds silly but I wouldn't have thought to describe a guy's smile at all, but it says so much about a person. Thank you!
As a formerly bi-curious* man, this was a big fantasy of mine. Imagine, being forced to have sex with a man... by a woman, obviously, so it wasn't, like, gay or anything.

It still is something of a fantasy, though I now find the idea of literal 'forced-bi' more than a bit fucked up. But maybe one of these days I'll roleplay as a straight guy who needs firm encouragement to do the things I used to pretend I didn't want to do.

*Actually, still very bi-curious. It seems no amount of investigation can satiate my ceaseless curiosity.
We're kissing and s/he bites my lip or pulls my hair. They run their hand down my back and grab my ass. It's the next day, we're in polite company and they drop a double entendre only we would recognise, then look into my eyes with a fire that says again.
Hello friends of another gender. Could you help me understand the female gaze a little better by sharing descriptions of men that you find sexy? I find when I write I write with a very male gaze. I am not, in fact, one of the male gays, but I have known I'm bisexual for about ten years. My tastes in this area is a little stereotypical, and worse, whilst I can tell which men I fancy, I usually can't say exactly why. At the very least I'd be curious to know how things look through your eyes - in part because it broadens one's horizons, but also because I'd like to get out of my authorial rut of solely writing muscle-bound, well endowed hunks or guys who look 'cute, in a geeky sort of way'. I'd be much obliged if you helped me expand my narrative palette.
The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N.K. Jemisin. I'm also listening to The City We Became by N.K. Jemisin. Next I plan to read The Broken Kingdoms by N.K. Jemisin.

I guess, when it comes to this author, I'm not Jemisin around.
Quote by colin123
Black holes white poles is my favourite.

Is that the one with Steven Hawking and the Morris dancers?
Quote by browncoffee
A man offering ice-cream is a HUGE turn on.

Likewise! Get me a lady who wants a bowl of gelato, and give me a wallet with enough money in it for said bowl, and I'll show you an empty wallet.
There's a tired old truism: women want sex, men need it. How tired old and true is it?

Want or need?
Absolutely not! How would that even work, if neither of us knew about it? Are our memories wiped? Do we do it in a fugue state? Whatever the answer, the consent implications for both myself and my partner are deeply problematic. The minimum number of people who should know about it when I suck someone off is two.
My ex and I bought a strap-on when I was 19. We played with it a lot but I never actually got fucked with it, because I made the mistake of picking one that was absolutely huge - it had been made for experienced gay/bi guys (we bought it at a sex shop in Brighton) and I was an inexperienced definitely-straight-even-though-i-think-about-cock-a-lot guy. Sucking it was fun, though, and even better it had this insertable part that went in my gf's pussy. Not only did that give her more control of the thing, it felt really good. If she put the harness on 'too' tightly, she couldn't move without feeling like she was getting fucked. So a very fun game was for her to put it on, me to tie her up, get it super tight, then tickle her till she came.

I've had non-strappable-dildoes used on my ass lots of times by women, but an actual strap on eludes me.
Before I knew what sex was. I don't remember a time when I wasn't fascinated by women. Unfortunately (or, rather, fortunately) the feelings were not reciprocated, on account of me being [number redacted]. I put a lot of it down to that: not knowing what i wanted, not being able to get it, but being willing to do anything to be around the people who, I somehow knew, had this mysterious power.

At a more acceptable age, I recall being friends with a group of older girls. They liked giving mew makeovers, and I adored the attention. I entered my first proper D/s relationship when I was 16. We switched a lot, but it gradually reached an equilibrium with me very much on the bottom. We tried everything under the sun, most of it twice, and I got my first weekend job so I could afford to buy her toys from Anne Summers.
How about....


... now?

Guess not. I'm doing something wrong somewhere, I can't make the signature link work either sad
Quote by colin123
love this pair

Hope you won't take offence if I say you look cute as hell in those.
I have a theory that most people, regardless of gender, are more sub than dom. I also have a theory that, like most of sexuality, it's a spectrum: most people are a mixture of things, but boil that down to one or two for simplicity's sake. I generally describe myself as a sub, for example, but the truth is closer to 30/70 D/s.

There's also a perception in society that men are more sexually dominant than women, but I've found most people are open to most things once society isn't looking.

So where do you place yourself? Dominant, submissive, or somewhere in between?
Quote by Liz
You can only include links in the forum once you have 20 posts (you're nearly there!).

But how can I tell people about Horny Singles In Their Area if I can't post links?

Quote by Liz

Congratulations on your first RR award!

Thank you! And thanks for running such an awesome, fun, diverse space
Quote by Dancewithme
Women have it much tougher than any of us guys think. Think I'd rather stay a guy.

My wise mind knows this is true, and the road to equality is a long and winding one. But if there was a magic button which could switch my gender, I'd hit it in a heartbeat.

There are lots of reasons, but I think the biggest for me is that I'd be better able to form lasting friendships with other women. Most of my best friends in life have been women, but there's always the spectre of sex, fuckquo's ghost if you will, lurking at the edge of things.

That said, during my brief dalliances with crossdressing I learned that the apparel expectations alone are incredibly taxing, and I'm nothing if not lazy, so who knows if I'd actually enjoy the switch.
With the most incredible lover I've ever had. They always know exactly how to get me off, like they can read my mind. We've never been on a date, but we've been casually bonking for years (including, rather shamefully, during some of my past relationships). Best of all we share all the same kinks and fetishes. It's just a shame the romantic side doesn't work: they've always been there, which I appreciate, but there's almost no conversation to speak of. We pretty much sit in silence unless we're out with mutual friends. I should say as well: it's all handjobs and toys. Penetrative sex just isn't an option.

Tl;dr: had a wank.
Quote by ComradePete
Does masturbation count?

I came here to make this joke. Don't worry, i cleaned it up after.
Quote by RumpleForeskin

Y'all make 'SubliminalMessage' welcome. On his profile, he claims to be John Brown which might be true.

As much as I'd like to claim to be a 220 year old radical abolitionist, I'm afraid the monicker pseudonymous not eponymous. The original John Brown is a historical hero of mine: he tried to do something impossible, failed spectacularly and, in doing so, set off a chain of events that led to his posthumous success. Hes also quite the historical hottie.

Whilst I share neither his good looks nor noble spirit, I do happen to share his initials, so I thought it would make a good pen name.

Quote by RumpleForeskin

On the other hand, I'm not certain if his Lush handle is 'Subliminal Mess Age _ or some variation. JB, the assembled multitude here await your pronouncement on this burning issue.

I thought I was being terribly clever with this name - the phrase as a whole as well as most of its syllables denote my various interests. However, upon actually writing out the explanation about a minute ago, I discovered it makes me sound like an almighty tosser, so I'm keeping it to myself. It should really be 'SubLiminalMessage', but I knew getting the caps right every time i logged in would drive me coco, so it's not.
Quote by Kathrin
Here's an idea: Instead of third person or first person, why don't you write second person. Write it like you're talking TO the reader. That's SO intimate!

N.K. Jemisin uses this technique in some of her work, and it's quite effective. However, she does have the advantage of being a genius.
Hello, hopefully future friends. I'm tee total these days so I'd like a virgin sex on the beach, and a glass of water to drink.

Animal photos seem to be the Roman way round here, so I hereby submit, for your viewing pleasure, this very pretty cuttlefish. Like many other cephalopods, these animals are wicked smart and their chameleonic skin can display images at a higher resolution than the monitor you're reading this on. They are one of my favourite animals, and I could bore you to tears talking about them.

I'm fairly new here and, in a dark omen for my future as a Lush contributor, have yet to have a story rejected. What I have had is help and encouragement for every story I've submitted. After years of starting and not finishing projects (erotic or otherwise), I'm finally completing work and getting feedback. The gold membership was definitely money well spent, and i've only had it a month.

Before reading this thread I'd assumed the mods were getting paid, simply because of the speed and quality of service provided. I not only take my hat off to them, I put on a second, larger hat, so I can take that one off too.
I was really nervous about posting [url=https://] Black Privilege [/url]. It explores, and sets the stage for exploring, some of my more fetishes. It's mainly a story about interracial sex and cuckoldry but contains a lesbian twincest scene and, as such, has been put in the section.

This is the third piece of erotica I've had published on Lush, and I'm thrilled it was picked as a recommended read. I doubt it will be to everyone's taste (the author's note contains some guidance on what to expect), but I hope those of you who take the plunge enjoy it. If so, please give the story a rating. If not, I'd genuinely love to hear your feedback - a writer is nothing without an audience, and criticism helps me write better.
I was a total kinkbox before I knew what sex was. The closest thing I had to a 'prudish' period was the rather silly decade or so where all my convoluted sexual fantasies resulted in me doing something to another man - even though I was, definitely, 100%, seriously though, straight.

I'm bi, happily so, an no longer need a Rube-Goldberg machine of excuses to do the things I want to.
Happy for her. She deserves good things, no one should be alone at the moment.
Sad for all the mistakes we made, for time's permanent tangle, the things we can never undo.
Know I'm gonna feel angry later. Haven't made up a good enough BS reason yet. Suggestions welcome.
Need to go outside so I can stare forlornly into the middle distance, but this is not considered an 'essential activity'.

Hit me with something distracting, or share your own angst. We'll swirl them together, see what colors they make.
Depends a LOT on what's in my mouth.
Food, drinks, semen: Swallow
Stray hair, an assassin's poison, coffee after being told a surprising fact: Spit
My tongue: Undecided. Some people swallow theirs, but it seems just dandy where it is
Quote by sprite

do you mean Chanel No5? and do you mean the smell, not the taste? not something you eat or drink.

Alice in Wonderland is in no position to give dietary advice imo