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Quote by KimmiBeGood

I’m sorry. I think mods are cracking down on micros… want a beg, middle, end of a story, and not just a sex scene. There have been several discussions about that category. You just happened to submit right when everyone’s looking at its requirements.


Quote by Milik_the_Red

I was hoping a new competition would begin soon. Now, I only hope the subject is one of interest to me. Fingers crossed

i'll give Jen a lick. that said, traditionally, around this time of year, it's Autumn or Halloween-themed. not sure if that's going to be the case though, so don't preplan. smile

Quote by Seeker4

In the 21st century, even the dead can sue...🙄🤣

But, yeah, that was my understanding, too. Basically, pre-20th century is good or something like that. Hope Jen or a mod chimes in soon to confirm and clarify, though.

yeah, pre-20th c characters should be fine.

Quote by EAM6690

Censorship of any kind, under any circumstances, is dangerous. Everything posted on this site would be censored off by Christian fundamentalists, because the stories don't match their delusions of how life should work. Your woke/snowflake delusions should not restrict writers from publishing any content, whatever you choose to name it. Real adults don't practice censorship.

many of the rules and regulations exist for legal issues. pure and simple, the subjects banned are considered felonies. Many of them put up red flags on the internet and draw unwanted attention. i am sure there are people here who would like the freedom to write b estiality stories for example. if we allowed that we'd pretty soon be overrun with people submitting such, chatting about it, starting threads about it - it's a divisive subject and I think it would end up driving off people who think the subject unethical, immoral, and just plain disgusting. it's in the interest of the site to cater to our current membership rather than drive them off, a lesson taken from first removing I ncest stories and then adding an I ncest Fantasy category.

also, we don't allow hate speech. Go to the site formerly known as Twitter if that's what you're looking for. and if you don't like our brand of "censorship" feel free to move on. there's plenty of sites that publish the kind of stuff we won't. the quality doesn't tend to be as good, but that's the trade-off.

FYI - people who think the word "woke" is a negative crack me up. to be caring and empathetic and treating others with kindness rather than judgement is kind of a positive in my book.


A real adult.

Quote by Just_A_Guy_You_Know

What about the 'living dead'? Hallowe'en is just around the corner:

"Unnggghhhh" he said, shuffling from side to side as his tattered rags flapped in the breeze.

"Urrrhh," she moaned, swaying slowly and gazing deep into the dark hollow sockets where his eyes had long ago been pecked out by scavenging birds.

living dead are allowed. vampire stories are usually the go to, but mummies and zombies shouldn't be an issue (tho the idea of a zombie penis falling off mid sex act makes me giggle a bit).

Quote by Magical_felix


Gus Walz has been diagnosed as neurodivergent. Shame on Ms Coulter for bullying him for a disability. And Shame on her for suggesting that men are not allowed to show emotions.

Quote by Magical_felix

.......where does he get the cum from

he doesn't swallow?

Quote by The_CunningLinguist

Is this a good place to discuss overly strict story submission issues? Myself and other authors are getting frustrated by the overly strict story reviewers that prevent us from getting our stories published. I get that there has to be a reasonably high standard to maintain the quality of the site but I can't get published because of a few (subjectively) missing commas. As it stands, I feel like I am prevented from being published for it not being perfect. Even in senior honors english, I might have gotten a B- for a few mistakes but I still would have passed. I submitted the same story to another larger and more established site, that I won't name here, and was successfully published on my first try. It was the exact same story that I could not get published on Lush in two attempts. On the other site, My story was read over 12,000 times in just two days and had a 4.3 rating. People liked it! I don't think they stopped being aroused by a missing comma. I am never sure who to talk to about things like this in Lush but we are a community and we should be heard. If this was the wrong place for this, I would welcome a better outlet if anyone knows where I should go?

feel free to contact me about it if you'd like - tbh, I completely agree and have mentioned it more than once in the backroom. it's one thing to want the stories to be high quality. it's another to be so nitpicky that it becomes frustrating for the authors, which i think has become the case in a lot of instances, so yeah, hit me up.

(I am probably going to get in trouble for this, but fuck it, when did that ever stop me? lol)

Quote by befikre83

It is because people Don't want to work for them selves . To justify that , they come up with events of injustice [their pov] in other spaces , very little to with them. They find resonance with similar people and the sound gets louder. Media and other intellectual vultures, who feed on this tries to tap it for their self benefit...

most people don't work for themselves. they work for multi-billion dollar corporations who keep getting richer, while their employers are just trying to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table.

the shooter was, apparently, a 20yo man and a member of the GOP so this could get interesting. and sorry, I mourn when kids are shot in classrooms. had Trump been killed? well, as my wife said, 'would you have objected to Hitler being assassinated in 1936 if you knew what was coming? and honestly, I think we can all see what is coming at this point'.

Quote by SusanQuiet04

Are we allowed multiple entries?

no. one entry per person, please.

for me, it's easy. Biden wins and I have a better chance of keeping my rights as an LGBTQ person. Trump wins. and I'll probably become a second-class citizen with fewer rights than a lot of you enjoy. but yeah, let's pretend that the GOP is all about freedom. unless you're a woman. or gay. or a minority. then you can forget about it.

the media focuses on the party aspect of pride, so that's what a lot of people think it's all about. a parade, parties. wild sex, all that stuff. it's a bit of a shame, really, cause while all that stuff is great - not going to pretend like I'm not going to have a blast at the parade, what gets lost in the mix is the amount of workshops, the campaign work on social and political issues and initiatives, the fund raising for lgbtq+ causes... a lot of work goes into protecting our hard-earned rights for equality, much of which goes unnoticed by most. i get funny looks when I say we are at war, but the truth is, we are. a lot of people want to see lgbtq people eradicated. recent victories include the defeat of Initiatives 1515 & 1552 in Washington state, the Montana Locker Room Privacy Act, and the Anchorage Proposition 1 all of which would have repealed anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQ+ people. it really is a war. so let us have our month in peace and stop complaining about not having a straight pride month. did you know that in states like like Alaska, Idaho, and Montana, people can still be legally fired for being LGBTQ+?

Quote by DanielleX

That's a good point, Felix. However a President isn't just for Christmas. Let's say that the idea of Trump is so repugnant that they vote for Biden as the least worst option and he's returned to office. There's no way he's gonna make another four years, is there?!! And that's a problem isn't it?

D x

#1. that's why we have a VP. #2. so vote for Trump simply because we think he might last 4 years?

Happy pride everyone.

love, your resident racist.

Quote by techgoddess

Part 2 of Boardrooms & Boudoirs (Mac & Grace) is almost ready to share.

In the meantime, its taken nearly 5 years, but The Office Whore - Part 1 is approaching “Famous” status. Please take a moment to check it out. With all of my amazing followers, I know you can help Chad and Reina become “famous” in no time! 💋

got excited for a moment and thought it was BoardGAMES and Boudoirs. either way, I am sure it will be excellent. smile

started writing again. have a new Alice chapter submitted for publishing. it felt good. i might do some more of this writing thing smile

a book - The Conference of the Birds by Ransom Riggs. And a CD - Space is the Place by Sun Ra. And a tank. No, seriously. A model tank. It's a gift for a friend who likes to build military models. Sort of a 80th anniversary of D-Day gift. I mean, why not? smile

Quote by RowanThorn

Apparently not. If she’s referring to something that happened in the past few days nothing was on the major news cycles.

maine. 18 people in a bowling alley. just business as usual, sorry to say.

Quote by NishasWorld

In two months time I will be fifty, and friends who have already reached that landmark tell me that once you reach the other side, bits start dropping off.

So, what do I need to cram into the final two months of my first half-century that I won’t be able to do afterwards? Suggestions smutty and otherwise are most welcome. 🤭X

what bits are we talking about here? fingers? toes? lol

Quote by Jen

Don't hate me, but I need to push the announcement date back a few days. Work is kicking my ass this week. Sorry guys, I won't delay it too long, I promise.

you should have taken me up on my offer. lol

Quote by Magical_felix

So it’s OK to see the women’s pussies hanging out but the men have to cover their balls?

Men are people too and the wokies are trying to take away our sexuality.

while oversexualizing the women, some of whom are quite young.

Quote by Magical_felix

My theory as to why you never capitalize anything is because it requires two hands and it’s just physically too exhausting.

yeah, i should probably take better care of myself. maybe take a page from your book. lots of pot and booze while sitting in the basement trolling a porn site.

Quote by Magical_felix

Some women just can’t stand seeing a confident man. SAD!

as long as he ain't ugly.

Quote by Magical_felix

I was a cute baby

what happened in later life?