Not offended, but I have declined to go along with a couple of ideas - both of them right outside my comfort zone.
Thanks for posting this fascinating info - it's quite an education!
Leggy, slightly athletic women are a joy to behold but I don't really have a fixed preference and certainly not ideal measurements - women of almost all sorts can be attractive to me.
I've had a couple, both from men who were total strangers and in situations where the air was thick with anonymous sex. I was in my twenties and the sudden, almost animal thrill of each encounter was incredibly exciting. These days I wouldn't dream of it because of what i perceive as health risks...but I do sometimes think of those fellas making me cum like mad...
Generally, an artful light touch does more for me than exhaustive detail. I like to feel my imagination has been set free. But if a writer is convincing I'll happily step outside my comfort zone.
A bit over six inches long and six inches in circumference...
Athletic women: a big turn-on...body-builders: nope.
Never - getting a stiffie in a public place could become a nightmare!
Yes and have done with many girlfriends
Yes, as long as it's a clearly consenting situation like group fun
Yes, as above
Sorry - making a mess of this reply and had posted a response meant for a different thread. Hope I've deleted it!
Cover art: yes please. Chosen well, a good picture or graphic design can open up very rich areas of response. Great examples are to be seen in the 1960s-series Penguin Modern Classics which used C20 Cubist, Surrealist and Expressionist works on the covers of C20 literary masterpieces. One of the most memorable was de Chirico's 'Enigma of The Hour' on the cover of Kafka's 'The Castle'...a brilliant matching of two great models of irrationality!