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Over 90 days ago
Male, 155


I see Ls63563's point, but I think there is nothing wrong about trying to understand our desires. I personally have this fantasy as a male. I am also not fully clear about it but will try to answer.

Quote by sweetjenny
The whole concept intrigues me greatly. Does the man get off on seeing his wife with another man, or the humiliation of the act. I’ve had boyfriends who have asked about previous partners, who was the best, the biggest, who made me cum. And it surprised me how turned they got when I answered, wanting to know the details. Is it insecurity or a desire to be dominated ?

There are many flavors to it, so the answer will vary for different persons. For me, both the desire to be dominated and insecurity are there. I like the humiliation aspect to which many are distanced. I experience strong emotions like jealousy, by admitting my partner enjoyed (or is enjoying, or will enjoy) someone else, preferably a sexually superior person. Superiority will both help me feel more jealous and give more pleasure to my partner. I empathize with my partner's pleasure, so higher her pleasure, higher mine.

It is quite complicated, so it is hard to define it thoroughly. However, I can try to answer more specific questions, if you have.

There is of course the famous theory of "sperm competition". You may find some info in the internet about it.
It is all fiction for me, too. I may get some inspirations from the real life, like someone I just met or something I saw in news. I think the real life stories would not be as compact and clear like the fictional ones, because there are a lot of bits and bobs.