To have an unknown lady (?) call me and tell me her favourite fantasy.
She wants to arrive at my house, on a certain day, at a certain time in the evening, to find the front door unlocked.
Then enter the house and close the door, before undressing completely.
She then puts on a slave collar and leash, followed by a blindfold before kneeling and awaiting my pleasure.
A 'Safe' word and pre-set limits have previously been agreed upon.
The lady is then at my whim until sunrise next morning.
Jackstay - you're shittin' me man!
WellMadeMale - and the Mayor of Beirut said "What The Fuck Was That" !
Read the stories, chat to people and post.
Helen Mirren (Age of Consent - Dunk Island is still there).
That would be an exceptional experience.
The choice of travel would be interesting 'Stargate' or 'Wormhole'.
But then knowing my luck I would be rejected on the grounds of vintage.
There have been occasions when something was left on display.
The 'Nosey Parker' wanted to know what it was.
They were told 'Bend over and we'll show you where IT goes'.
As far as I'm concerned, ink is a waste of time and money.
To redress certain decisions in life you need a Laser (expensive)
or an Angle-Grinder (Painful).
Pasta Marinara. (The Australian way, with a proper seafood mix).
I was always taught that it was bad manners to speak with a mouthful.
But then I can't help it, if I'm a gourmet.
Why couldn't the member be 'Bi' so that they could enjoy the best of both worlds ?
She also has a lesbian cat named Pixel.
Which reminds me of the lady with two dogs Rolex and Timex.
They were her watch-dogs.
Quarantine is Quarantine is Quarantine ! ! !
Are some people that dense or can't they look in a dictionary to find the meaning of the word.
Soup, Salad & Pasta (A collection of recipes)
Recipes by Ursel Norman
Go to my bar.
Pour a large Evan Williams Single Barrel over ice.
Then go back and watch her face screw up with the agony and the ecstacy.
But then I know of a certain character that filled his Inflatable Doll with warm water.
When it ruptured he had a new Water-Bed.