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13 hours ago
Bi-curious Female, 44
0 miles · United States, USA


I'm a woman old enough to know better but still young enough not to care. One of my biggest fantasies is the idea of being naked* in public, performing a nude self-dare where my arousal increases the further I get from my clothes. And while actually being caught or seen would be mortifying (not to mention the unwelcome repercussions) the idea of being caught or seen is a powerful aphrodisiac. And since actual opportunities are rarely easy to come by, I satisfy my fantasy with pictures, videos and stories. especially stories, since I find it easier to create the mental images to go with a well-written story than the other way around. Every now and then I find a real gem, but alas, most of the time it's hard to find the kind of stories I really enjoy. But I'll keep looking.

*and by naked, I mean completely naked, from head to toe. No shoes or socks, either. Naked as in NAKED. And that includes no jewelry or accessories, either. Completely. And totally. Head-to-toe. Naked.



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