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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 38
0 miles · Philippines


sometimes yes sometimes no. if you can always go with the needs of your bf then its ok and so is he , 10 years gap is too much specialy if your in your late 20's. just imagine your 28 and bf is 18 on the exploring side and teens will be teens smile.
thank you for the heartache ,may our path dont cross and may you find the one for you
in a way yes by sharing your time you get attached and even tell secrets .
eyes its where i see the truth
i know a girl who lies infront of you and still look at you straight like she didnt do anything wrong
when angry i love ice cream even on a cold rainy day
when sad chonas delight cake from tea house
stressed go for dark chocolate but toblerone would do

have you ever sleep with someone and their brother wife on the other bed?
a.What do you do when you are last in someone's life who says they love you but their actions may show differently?
---for me i waited and still waiting and having more patience just by their side supporting

b.What do you do when you can't get through to them?
--- smile and never stop showing you care
When you resent them for not paying attention to your needs, and basic things like that.
--- go back to the time why you fell in love with such person
c.I'm sick of sounding like a broken record.
--- it really does just let it pass
d.I'm sick of being an afterthought, always.
--- youll get through it
e.Am I loving him in vain?
--- in a way yes, but the my question is are you happy even though your in vain? if you are then thats the reason why your in a situation you are now coz he can make you happy
f.I wanted to move closer to him. A place I've never been, people I did not know.
--- ask him out , like a date smile
g.If he can't call me and make an effort at least, I don't know what the point would be, even though I do love him very much, more than anyone I did before combined.
--- have you tried having a self time?
it seems his your world.
try to move not thinking of him at least try a day without him then try a would be har at first but have some time for your self not just full of you loving him , give your self some love.
Quote by JacquieJ
If you really love each other, then won't you wait forever?

smile thanks
Got here coz of a friend who ask me to download it on my phone ended up liking the stories so i joined online and write not knowing who would read it what would they say.Lush is like my secret world
Im in love with a person who shows she loves me, but in some point just cant chose me because its too damn complicated .Will i wait till she makes things simple or at least lessen the complication shes into.
As much as you can don't sleep with the first person just cause of that. Do you remember the time you were just courting her, pretty sure you were very persistent and patient.Try to surprise her like give her flowers just you want too.Start from small step again make time adjust time, you can do it.
It doesnt stop coz its part of life , how would you know your hurt if you have not been hurt, all we could do is face it take it as a lesson .
We would only get hurt if we allow them to, so dont allow it.Think of happy thoughts its not your loss they let go of a great person.
Ever fallen in love with someone I cant have, sadly yes.
Its one of the painful thing to feel and yet since love such person,I end up staying by her side , till it hurts no more.
As long as I see her smile and shes okay I try to be cool with it.