was always a late bloomer but I got curious about sucking cock when I was just out of high school. My love life up to that point was non-existent. I tried to ask girls out but was rejected every time. I just never knew what to say and had no experience with the opposite sex or anyone else until my early twenties. I was in the military and was walking back to the base very drunk when this guy stopped and offered me a ride he started rubbing my crotch and found a dark place to park before he could unzip my pants I leaned over and slipped his cock in my mouth from that moment I was hooked. I was not very good that first time but that was not what made me want to do it more. After all those years of rejection and be left to feel like no one would ever want me I found men who would tell me how good I was and it brought them pleasure I finally found that need to be needed and praise for my efforts it made me want that feeling all the time. And from the very first time until today I never have seen myself as myself sucking a man's cock I saw myself as a woman making love to her man and bring them pleasure. We all need to feel we have worth and for me when I am on my knees pleasing a man I get that knowing that I am good and I do have worth