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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 55
0 miles · Ohio


Quote by techgoddess

Taking a break from packing to sneak a glass of wine and wave hello!

Heading to Europe tomorrow and feeling some anxiety on how international travel is going to go since it’s been some time since I’ve left the country.

I’ll be doing a little research for some future chapters of Amazing Grace as well as having some “well-deserved fun”.

It’s been a rough few months but I feel like things are falling back into place. Fingers crossed anyway.

Thanks for those of you who’ve stayed in touch with me! When I return from my trip, I fully expect to be a more frequent visitor around here. Until then, drinks are on me (and when I say on me, I clearly mean on James! Lol!)

I'm coming with.

Quote by verity100

What's all this baseball malarkey? In England it's called rounders and is played by ladies. Whatever it is, if it involves a free drink I'll have a large G&T please James

Its basically oppression as a sport, the richer teams abuse the poor teams then celebrate.

Quote by Denim_Daisy10

Woohoo worship BRAVES WIN.

First world series trip since 1995 !!!

Yeah that one still stings for me.. GO Indians, or whatever they are called now.

Quote by KimmiBeGood

(Face plants on bar)

What do you drink when your ex-husband's crazy soon-to-be ex-wife calls your employer acusing you of using your IT skills to illegally hack her techware to give her soon-to-be ex-husband ammunition to use against her in their ugly divorce. 😕 WHEN in reality you don't give a shit about their divorce because you haven't been married to him for 20 years and you have a very ill Mom consuming your every thought lately. No words to describe my embarrassment with my employer who thankfully believes I am not a hacker.

I'll be in the corner. Keep the drinks coming, please, Bear. drinkies

I've been known to light flaming bags of dog shit on fire on people's porches.

I just need an address

Tuesday morny
I’m so horny

She stole my heart and my cat

Morning everyone. I’ll have one of those coffees to go

Somebody’s gotta work around here
Quote by curvygalore
Good morning, everyone! How nice to see some new faces popping in here along with the irregular regulars!

BB has been de-sludged (saved for Carl) rinsed and refilled and there is a fresh pot of tea on the bar for Scott and any other tea drinkers.

The brownies are plated and the mugs are in the sink.

Tea, coffee, fine lickers, anyone?

( looks at name tag. )

Thanks for the tea.

Hope you’re all doing well
If a little is good more must be better

Except scotch.. I need to remember this

I could use a coffee
Quote by techgoddess

So what kind of munchies did they have at that coffee shop?

The kind you shouldn’t drive home back to Ohio after eating LOL
Eh Xanadu and zeppelin I could tell you exactly what effects they were using and jam those tunes

I actually don’t play much zeppelin anymore but Alex life’son I still indulge in
Quote by techgoddess

Perhaps, like Led Zeppelin's Fool in the Rain you were waiting on the wrong block?

Dude, you live in Ohio...ya gotta tell me if you're crossing the border for a case of the munchies...LOL!

I'll be back in June...

I’m cool with that. It is the rainy season jam it
Quote by techgoddess
Good morning all y'all! Back to my beach after twelve days in Michigan. Being able to celebrate Easter with family, marry my son off to a wonderful woman, and spend time with dear friends and other family was a dream come true. Only a few months ago, this would not have been possible. I'm so grateful for the vaccine!!

The wedding was like a fairy tale. I can't believe after months of planning, and anxiety about whether they would be able to have a wedding, that it is in my rearview mirror now. But it was wonderful to feel some sense of normalcy in our lives for a few days.

Being gone so long, I am horribly behind in reading stories, and knowing what is going on with everyone. I apologize if I've missed important things. Having our youngest daughter and her man staying with us made for very little private time, which mostly got spent on my hubby!! LOL!

I've added a bunch of stories to my queue and hope to get rolling on those later.

Happy to home on my beach. Going to grab a cup of tea and plop down in the corner to inspect the inside of my eyelids for a few!

Like whatever. I was IN Michigan and the fact that you didn’t show up really bothers me

I sat all day in that coffee shop waiting for you to show and can’t express my disappointment

I’ll let it slide you had no idea where I was or when but I was there.

I highly recommend the coffee shop munchies though

Don’t stand me up again
Quote by techgoddess

Check out the vid I posted on your profile!

I had to go through 7 pages to find you like who the hell
Goes to page 7 of a google search

Don’t make me do that again. ( of course I’m on my phone and could’ve missed it )

Scotch me
Morning everyone

Supposed to be a beautiful day in the Midwest USA

We’ve turned the corner from the everlasting deep freeze

Coffee me
Quote by sprite

FYI, we frown on shooting your sex partner in the middle of... whatever it is they're doing.

Merry Easter

Throws Kit Kat’s at m & m’s at you.

Quote by techgoddess
Slept poorly again...I'll have a cup of caffeine with lemon.

Hope the sun is shining wherever you are!

Going to be 75 here today in the OH - IO ... pretty fucking happy about that... Sadly I'll be stuck indoors all day working.
Quote by techgoddess

Bill, you're a sweetheart! I'll take a large glass of sparkling water over ice! I overindulged on the sweets this past weekend, so I need to cool it a bit on the calories. At least until later this afternoon, LOL!

I'm glad to hear you got the candy i sent.

I'm ready to overindulge on alcohol.
Been a while since I been around, hope everyone is doing well.

Things seem to be settling down for me at work, so I can resume my normal schedule of procrastinating on all projects i have

I'll do a coffee.
Hey Yall, been a while since I've been around so I'll just save myself going through 14 pages to see and just hope everybody has been well.

company moving to a new location and its been rather, "trying" is probably a good word, Or completely fucked, if I could use several to describe it.

I haven't murdered anybody yet but I'm on the edge. couple more days of it and maybe I could avoid a life prison sentence.

Well I guess I'll have a cup of coffee and start another completely fucked day...

Be well citizens of Lush.
I just can’t past how punchable mahomes face is.

Watching him and Kelce sulk with their big crybaby heads
And probably spent their evenings crying on their big
Crybaby pillows leaves me with a good off season until next year

Hope all is well and cheers all.
Quote by techgoddess
Some hot tea on this chilly morning sounds divine. I've had about enough of the wind this week! I know I shouldn't complain. At least it's sunny today. But 25 mph wind makes it tough to walk the beach as the sand blows everywhere. Don't mind me, I'm just cranky. Not enough sleep and a nagging headache.

Happy Groundhog Day!

Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Tuesdays.

Quote by sprite
Low scores. You get them for all kind of reasons and they used to bother me. And then I stopped caring. I have my share of 1,2,3 scores too. Guessing they are from people I pissed off. I do that here s lot. Lol.

That cant be it, you piss me off and I still gave you high scores on the stories I've read.

I have a place not far from punxsutawney, been there quite a few times, pretty cool stuff.

Coffee please.