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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 38
0 miles · Bath


Quote by AbbieLynn
I was 19. ..he was 70. It started out as just fun flirting but turned out I was getting turned on by this distinguished older man. What was to be a one night stand ended up being 6 months of incredible sex. Still one of the best lovers of my life.

This happened to me when I was 24, I met an older guy at a work party, he was 65, overweight, bald and he turned me on like nothing before. Since then I have only dated older men.

When I was 21 and at university I moved into a shared house in Greenwich in London opposite this old guy who was known as the local pervert.

Everyone told us he was known for hassling women, taking photos of women, flashing himself and more and this of course turned me on so I watched out for him when I could and a few hours later i saw him leave his house, he was short, stocky, dressed in a tweed suit and hat, he looked about 70 ish to me. Yes I admit i found him sexy in a kind of pervy way, I fantasised about him watching me in my bedroom with the binoculars everyone said he used and after a few days this all got a bit out of hand.

I would leave my curtains open a little and strip for him, hoping he was watching, and this got more and more obvious, I would get down to my stockings and suspenders and lie on my bed directly opposite his bedroom window, I played with myself for him, I really wanted him to see me, but I started thinking he wasn't interested, even when I stood in the window naked there was no sign of life from him. I was disappointed and confused, I began to use the even more obvious methods to get this man to notice me!

One night when my 5 housemates were away visiting their families I got a bit drunk and walked out of the back door to the alley at the side of our house, I could get even closer to his house by doing this and I stood there and took all my clothes off and showed off for about 10 mins, fingering myself, slapping my bottom, even getting on all fours on the rough concrete to show him everything. Nothing, no reaction at all, what kind of dirty old man was he I thought to myself.

A few days later I got even more drunk on my own and I decided to get dressed in my sluttiest clothes and go to the lane that went to some garages at the back of the large houses opposite. I was so nervous but I made myself do it, I walked along the lane until I came to his garden gate and quietly opened it and went into his garden. He had quite a few lights on so I thought he would see me but he still didn't seem to so I did something sluttier than anything I'd done before, I lifted up my skirt and pulled my white knickers down to my ankles and just stood there with my cunt on show, my heart was beating so fast! I waited for him to see me but still he didn't, so I walked slowly to his back door and took a very very deep breath and knocked on it.

It felt like ages but eventually I heard something, then the door slowly opened and I continued to hold up my skirt until he opened it all the way, he was wearing a dirty looking white vest with dirty looking white pants, I held my breath, then he said "you had better come in".

I didn't know it then but this was the start of the most important relationship of my life so far. Part 2 to follow.