Haven't caught her, but if I did I wouldn't bring it up until she did.
I've seen one lady do it. Not many I know confess to this.
sex with my partner while another couple are doing the same in the same room, in clear sight.
A woman squirting is a very good indication that the man has done a great job of giving her pleasure. Its really hot and I wouldlove to be with such a woman.
No way! I might feel a little more responsible to ensure she had a great time, but otherwise, I would be quite excited!
With the right woman:
1. Curvy
2. BBW
2. Skinny - this comes equal to BBW
1. Pussy - Nothing to beat it
2. Mouth - A talented mouth can be close to pussy
3. Anal - never tried it but hear a lot about it.
My biggest turn-on is a woman who is intelligent and wise. Pre- and post-coital conversations that are cerebral are really hot.
Not really - for me its more of what a woman has between her ears that counts!
Absolute turn-on for me - imagine a woman who wants to share her most personal secretions with you!
sharing, caring and a lot of cerebral conversation!
It does wonders for the male ego to have their girl swallow. Puts you up there with the Gods.
Oh yes. And I don't want to go back there.
If you feel jealous, it is time to stop. Tell him how you feel and I'm sure he will listen to you.
I would, if you would have me.
I've fantasized about swapping but never got beyond fantasizing.
Never been able to test this - all my women have been tired before me. The maximum I have been able to beofre she gets tired has been 22 minutes, but I remember feeling I could have gone on for some more time.
I'd find it verrrry hot!!
When I'm cumming - I'm doing my best to make it last as long as I can.
When I'm making love - I'm thinking about things she has done / will do, that make me horny. I'm also thinking of ways and means to stimulate her, and give back as much as I can to her.
the natural smell of a woman's body (no perfumes / soap / any other artifices) turns me on - the slightly pungent smell of perspiration, the light smell of piss around her vulva, and her being comfortable with who she is - that turns me on.
I am most turned on by intelligent women
I also get turned on by women smoking, talking dirty, taking the lead.
It is the other person's guilt / lack of it - if I am unfaithful,it will not be for revenge.
Would I masturbate in front of my wife or partner: Yes
Anyone else: No.
I would prefer a woman all natural, A size or larger.
But if she's comfortable with implants, I do not see any reason not to like them!
We men have been made aware of the mood swings, cramps, and other complications caused by a woman's affinity to the moon. I would be really uncomfortable to hurt a woman in her most vulnerable (in my opinion) period.
But if she's game and willing, and I am comfortable with the idea, do not see any problems.