My wife recently had her broken shoulder repaired and evidently sex is currently a challenge and will be for several months. She’s not comfortable flat on her back and can only stand laying on her side for a short time. Any tips on making this more comfortable for her, helpful tools to support her or positions we could try that keep her shoulder vertical but don’t require her to use the arm? If you are an expert by experience please relate your experience even if it doesn’t directly answer my questions.
Ketchup, the smell alone makes me gag.
One more thing. Don't stop, you usually have to work for it, 10 minutes or more is not uncommon.
I find the slight distraction useful. My wife becomes less predictable => more pleasure. She says the same.
If your weight is mostly the same I reckon you have been working out. This generally results in better muscle tone. That sounds like a plausible explanation to me.
I love doing that. Standing free, her cradling you with both legs and arms. The adrenalin surge from is enormous. Usually have muscle aches afterwards but so worth it.
The easiest way to get there is from both sitting down her straddling you, face towards you obviously. Then you stand up.
Some safety precautions.
Make sure there is a lot of space around you so if you topple you only end up with minor injuries. Remember that it also requires a lot of strength from the woman too. In hindsight trying it first in the heat of the moment was foolish.
See of you can lift and hold her first.
Stability tips: put your feet about the width of your hips apart, slightly bend your knees, don't lock them. Bend a little backwards to counter her weight pulling you forward.
I think I would have to revert to my native language and call 'goesting' (pronounces something like goosting/gousting). You have it if you feel like something. So, If you feel like chocolate: Ik heb goesting in chocolade. Used without an object,however , you're horny.
I would say that anything that doesn't fit in your hands is a waste of breast. So yes breast can be to big. Artificially enhanced is a no go for me. Also tiny girls with huge breasts usually make my back ache just by looking at them.
I think practice makes perfect. I think good oral sex is also personal. So you learn to give better oral sex the longer you know your partner.
2012 Opel (Vauxhall in UK) Insignia