Forty Creek rye whiskey with coke
A very good friend, supportive and sensitive.
Loves to walk in the rain
Lauren Bacall telling Bogart "you do know how to whistle, you just put your lips together and blow" in To Have & Have Not. The sexual tension between them in that scene is amazing.
There are always questions that are unasked. And sometimes people are not always forthcoming with certain details about themselves which hurts the other party when it is finally brought to light. This can change the entire direction of the relationship, as seems to be the case here.
Whatever decision you reach, I hope it's the right one for yoiu.
pineapple, peaches, plums, pears, blueberries, strawberries and mangoes. Those are my favourites but I enjoy most fruit.
Alone in a 2 bedroom apt. I'm quite happy here.
An Italian merlot, Donini. Quite tasty.
I still haven't found what I'm looking for - U2
To tell someone a secret is to show your trust in them.
A Sunday afternoon is a good time to ...
Short skirts are very sexy
I would, but I don't think she'd be interested. We share a lot of common interests, including our love of women.
Likes walking on the beach at sunset. Or maybe it's sunrise, on his way home from a date
Likes walking on the beach at sunset. Or maybe it's sunrise, on his way home from a date
Mine is my Motorcycle. A 2006 Suzuki C50.
My high school graduation. After the church services in the afternoon we were all meeting at the high school for pictures. I got there and one of my buddies asked where my date was. I had forgotten her at the church. I raced back there and she was standing on the sidewalk fuming. It was a very awkward tense evening. Needless to say, I didn't even get a good night kiss much less a second date.
Not with a complete stranger but if it was someone I knew and was close to, I would consider it.
Excited. I get the keys to my apartment tomorrow.