Actually yes. In a baseball dugout when I was younger. I brought a blanket though lol
What is your favorite holiday?
with my partner.
What is your favorite type of porn? ( IE. Male and Female, Female and Female, Male and Male etc.)
Reality Show.
Hockey or Football?
Sean Connery
The first Charlie and the Chocolate factory, or the remake?
Noted! The Mods do alot of work that is greatly appreciated!
Thanks for keeping the seat warm!
love curly hair on others, like mine straight.
movies or books.
Mine are mostly already on here.
Curling Iron
Hair Brush
Now when I use something it has actually been manufactured for that purpose lol
If your asking what I am more terrified of, then snakes lol. If it is what can I tolerate more, it's bugs.
Both would cause me to scream and run.
Rum or vodka?
Have you ever told a lie to someone to protect them?