I am not sure who posted this but I think many people are only reading it the worst possible way. I believe like many questions on here you are simply being asked your preference in dating with the parameter being race. If we take the question as some here have at the extreme then it could also be considered discrimination based on race for women who only date outside their race because they exclude a race. This would apply to the person who brought up religion, some people do only date within their religion because they want their partner to share the same beliefs. It is a preference like where you choose to discriminate by not eating meat or not eating fish. It's like asking do I date Ohio State fans, no I don't. Just because the topic is race doesn't make it the negative idea of being racist. The sooner everyone and more so the race champions, those who think they have to make everyone date every race and ethnicity, come to looking at race as a simple feature of person like having brown or blue eyes or blonde or red hair the better off the world will be.