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1 month ago
Bisexual Genderqueer, 65
0 miles · Paramus


While id love to fee a bare cock sliding in me i know its not a great idea.Its a fantasy....unlesss we have been together and i can sense a trust .then i wouldent hesitate to feelhim cum inside me. love to feel his cum leaking down my black stockings

i feel so fem when after sex with my regular friend he lays on his back and i snuggle up tohis side. He puts his arm around my shoulder and i rest mu head on his chest. there is nothing better to give the feel of im with my man and im his woman.

wow , would love to have a master. im a sissy sub that yearns to be controlled. I know i have a lot to offer a man or even a woman. You never know unless we get a chance to chat or meet. Ty Marlene


sex headache. But i know why. it seems that when i want to make sure I'm ready for my boyfriend ...yes boyfriend i take a Viagra. My guess is it raises my blood pressure just enough. But I'm willing to take the good with the bad.

ok this is a question which just popped into my head earlier this evening. How many times have you gone out with the express idea of bringing a date home for sex and what percentage would you say you were successful. Secondly, did you enjoy it as much as you thought you would or more then expected. Last question when in the timeline of your life did most of this happen? Thanks for you answers.
i actually would be happy to know my wife has some sexual desires. she has long been a very one dimensional lover. Nothing intersting ever happens and wont try anything other the conventional, her idea of conventional, sex. Not that i would feel it as a license for me personally to chase sex with others because i already do.
just wondering how many of the women here have worn either vibrating panty or acrtually vibrating toy with someone else controlling the vibs while out in public.
Hi ladies, this question probably doesent apply to most if not all the women on this site,but i figure this site may be a place to ask it. do you know of any older,over 65 who has been and still is very sexually active. Then the second part do u know any women of the same age catagory who no longer sexually active and the reason why it no longer appeals too them. I realize hormones play a big part but im sure woman capable of sex and having enough hormones in balance are still not interested in sex with their partners or boyfriends. thank you in advance for your insight.
I've often worn a pad when the mood strikes me. Although my wife knows i wear panties and lingerie she diden't know of my pad fetish . My secret evaporated last Monday when my wife got home from work and went to the bathroom. When she returned she asked me if anyone had been in the house. Naturally i said no. the next question caught me . She asked what the wrapper from the pad was from in the bathroom. I told her due to my ongoing problem with my prostrate i leaked some that day. She was ok with the explaination. Later that night when we were going to bed she showed me where she keeps her pads. Now i dont have to worry about running out of sanitary pads and dont have to hide mine any more . bad break turned good
ok here it is ,women how do u explain the sync phenonom of women and their periods when they r in close relationships. best friends, room mates. it a real thing or just coincidence. i am a perve or i wouoldent be here but this is a serious question and id like to know weather theres a scientific reason or just my imagination besed on my observations over the years. Thank you
hi met with a guy and girl a while ago he fisted her. she moaned and squirted and was completely spent when he finished with her .i have to say she was tired but had a hugh grin on her face.
girls have u ever been so shocked by the size of a potential partners penis u made an excuse or otherwise refused to let him penetrate you
What was the most expensive piece of lingerie you ever brought for yourself and what was it.
It is easy for me i do the laundry. but my wife knows i wear lingerie so its not unusual for our panties to be misplaced. but my date clothes she knows nothing about i get away with washing myself.
not too many limits, mild spanking,no scat maybe water sport, nothing permanent,s.ome humiliation would be arousing,maybe a little embarrasing situation while i was out on a date, fully dressed fem .