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15 hours ago
Straight Male, 60
0 miles · England


Active Ink Slinger
I honestly think it depends on the woman, the mood, timing, arousal, etc...

With the woman who introduced me to anal it would often be without, or with her pussy juices, although we sometimes used lube too. With others since then it has been both with and without - as I said, depends on the lady, depends on the night.

These days I always bring lube if I think there's a chance we may be enjoying anal at some part of the date

Active Ink Slinger
Is it the beat, the rhythm, the quality of the musicianship, or the gene of music that makes you listen to a song?

For me it is the balance between all these things. Just the same with stories, it is a mix of many things. If a story fails to keep my interest, I'll have left the page way before getting to rate it. Usually if I'm going to rate something it's going to be positive because it's got me there.

Am I going to rate a story because of factor A or B, no; I'm going to rate a story because of how it makes me feel inside.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by c50t
Why? Did someone call HR again?

Can't wait to see the HR memo's...

Our people have a one hour lunch break, two ten minute tea breaks, how long should we allow for wank breaks?

Active Ink Slinger
Ejaculation is just part of sex (it doesn't have to be it's end), so I'm usually happy to cum wherever she want's me to - it can be part of what happens next...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Beffer
No, if I'm not into the person I'm having sex with, why am I screwing them?

Similar to what Beffer said. Always give the person I'm with my complete attention, part of the pleasure is filling all senses with my partner.

Somehow thinking of someone else feels disrespectful? (Not sure how it would work, being with someone size 10 dreaming of size 16 (or the other way about), sizes of body parts arms and legs etc can make a lot of difference!)
Active Ink Slinger
I'm slightly dyslexic, and anything more technical than 'a noun is a doing word', loses me. Yet I like to think I can throw a sentence together, and I know the difference between your and you're, woman and women, etc.

Maybe it's because of the way I am I've never had a story get through the mod's - usually because of some rule, I don't really understand - even after I've looked it up and tried to follow what it appears to say.

When I write, it's a matter of getting the images in my mind out of my head and on to the page as quickly as possible before they're gone - a bit like watching a movie while trying to write it's story line. Once the idea, and some key details are down, it's a matter of filling in more detail, adjusting spelling, sentence, and paragraph flow. I confess grammar gets left behind - I can't include what I don't understand, it'd be like trying to drive a car without knowing which seat to sit in.

Of course this could be why I've never had a story published
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by scottsmith1717
Ladies, would you ever go to a sex club (not a strip club) with your man? You would have the choice of participating or watching.

OK, I'm sort of the wrong gender to answer this, but it was an ex gf who first took me to her favourite sex club.

(yes, we had a great night, and couldn't believe where the time had gone when they kicked us out at closing time lol)
Active Ink Slinger
Trying to resist the urge for a little pleasure right now (I should be working but...)
Active Ink Slinger
I feel it'd be rude not to stay and watch, reassure all is good ... then let the moment take control, be it help, guide, join in, share, etc...
Active Ink Slinger
Accents and voices, oh yes, I can think of one lady who's voice goes straight through me and pushes all my buttons (yes, she knows - not sure she believes, but she knows)
Active Ink Slinger
Falling rain drumming against my window, behind the beat there is a random drop falling out of time with the rhythm, wrong yet somehow right
Active Ink Slinger
Guided Masturbation
Guided Masturbation by SensualSharon

Is an audio on-site by SensualSharon - sensual to the max, this lady really knows her stuff; just how to please, excite, and arouse a cock.

If a lady is going to take me by hand, this is how I want it done. Sensual. Teased. Taken through highs and lows. Rush of release.

... well that's what I'd like, never found a lady with the skills yet, but we can all hope [-o<

Active Ink Slinger
Speaking personally, no I don't think so - most of my score are 4's or 5's - but then I only vote for stories I like, and usually like to leave a comment of thanks about how a story came to life, awoke memories, feelings, or touched me.

Anyone's whose had a story published is at least one step ahead of me, as I've never had a story get past the mods lol - so well done all you published writers!
Active Ink Slinger
Winter Jack (tastes more like apple wine than JD, but goes down alright sat by a warm fire at night lol)
Active Ink Slinger
Cream-egg type question, for you ladies who like anal, how do you like yours?

Curious as to what positions work well for you, and where does the sensitivity and pleasure come from (penetration, ring friction, rubbing against upper or lower wall)?

(Sorry, for non-uk "cream-egg" reference is to a popular chocolate sweet in the uk, which for years had the slogan "how do you like yours?" - or words to that effect )
Active Ink Slinger
Hi-ya Shotgun,

I just popped on today looking for a good inspirational story, and thought 'why not make a new friend on-route?' ... So, if you don't mind me asking, anything you've seen recently that's worthy of recommending?
Active Ink Slinger
Of course, the greatest sex organ is the mind. Chatting to someone who can light up your mind and imagination is amazing xxxx
Active Ink Slinger

Rejected by the woman I gave my heart and soul to (really thought I'd found my lifetime soulmate), but determined I will bounce back and stand up again...