I always felt that my "mid life crisis" lasted longer than usual. At times I feel like I'm still in it now. At the time my wife and I were going in totally opposite directions. So, when it hit me, the younger legal aged women, the better. For some reason, out of nowhere, it came to me that I was sleeping with girls that were younger or the same age as my oldest child at the time. That was so tough because I was demented with morals!
It's my dog, Esco. Believe me, you're better off looking at him than me!!
287 - I tried to make all of my journeys memorable!! ... lol
(Removed by Admin. Pic and text breaks site rules.)
sorry if this was posted before ..... it's just for shits and giggles....
Michigan here ... the North East suburbs
Fantasy Fudge
3 cups sugar
3/4 cup margarine
2/3 cup evaporated milk
1 12-oz. (340 g) package semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 7-oz. (198 g) jar Kraft Marshmallow creme
1 cup chopped nuts
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Traditional method:
Combine sugar, margarine and milk in heavy 2-1/2 quart saucepan; bring to full rolling bail, stirring constantly. Continue boiling 5 minutes over medium heat, stirring. Remove from heat, stir in chocolate till melted. Add marshmallow creme, nuts & vanilla beat till blended. Pour into greased 13 x 9-inch baking pan. Let cool and cut into 1-inch squares.
Microwave method:
Microwave margarine in 4-quart microwave-safe bowl on HIGH (100%) 1 minute or until melted. Add sugar and milk; mix well. Microwave on HIGH 5 minutes or until mixture begins to boil, stirring after 3 minutes. Mix well; scrape bowl. Continue microwaving on HIGH 5-1/2 minutes; stir after 3 minutes. Stir in chips until melted. Add remaining ingredients; mix well. Pour into greased 13 x 9-inch baking pan. Cool at room temperature; cut into squares. Makes 3 pounds.
Note: Can be made in a smaller pan for thicker squares (yield will be reduced).
We use peanut butter chips with this as well.
reelin' in the years - steely dan
Your result for The Kinkyness Test ...
Pretty kinky!
Grats! You're 69% kinky! And that number always works well for me!!
Smoke em' if ya got em'!!
It's about 11 months for me. We have had droughts before especially when she was pregnant (we have 5 children) she didn't want to be touched during the pregnancy and at least 3 months after. I gave her that space even though I was more than raring to go just about all the time. Now is different though. I don't blame my wife and I have come to terms with myself that it's not my fault either. I guess that's just the way it is. My biggest problem is that when we did have sex I made sure she really enjoyed it giving her all of the attention and being a patient lover. I have always been that way, making sure my lovers' gets most of the pleasure. It makes me wonder sometimes that she doesn't want that even a little bit anymore.
I personally don't mind implants. I have seen a few bad ones though and it's sad what the women had to put up with. I do like natural more though. I don't usually notice or look at large breasted women and think it's a turn on. It's my opinion and has been my experience that women with smaller breasts tend to be more sensitive than bigger ones. But like I said, that's strictly my opinion.
It's always great to get a hard on ... especially at my age!!! At times it's not always appropriate... still great to get one!!!
I'm old, this is a classic!! The Opening of Misty Beethoven. I found a pic but can't seem to post it.
You can just about tell what the lips are gonna do, once you read the eyes. It's the eyes for me.
Honesty never hurt anyone. I have met a few people irl from chats. I tell them from the start that I'm a big guy, (stocky) and have been my whole life. I'm Italian.. I like to eat!! One woman I met was appalled that I was big. I sent her pics. I didn't hide anything. we talked on the phone quite a bit. Even asked of she liked the "teddy bear" type It was all cool until we met person to person. Now, I'm not a slob. I take pride in how I dress but there was still and issue. I guess she thought I was lying and was a 20 something Aerobics instructor or something. Needless to say she never contacted me again after that day.
So you really never know. Just like any relationship. I've met some great people from online. You are what you are, being honest takes any doubts away.
After 26 years of marriage? Trying to make each day like the day we met.
I Wanna Rock Right Now - Black Eyed Peas