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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 56
Saudi Arabia


Active Ink Slinger
Yes those attacments do wonders for the ego lol. Still not matching what I have heard, been told, etc. but youre experiences are different so I cannot invalidate them
Active Ink Slinger
Hell yes Im conflicted. I want to be fulfiled and happy, I was ecstatic when I thought I had a chance. I knew she was dating other guys, didnt care, we were by no means exclusive. It was HOW she did the last bit, she.knew she was wrong for whatever reason. I dont claim my issues are more than anyones, especially a victims, All I wajt is one of that damn gender to admit why they do this to me and others like me instead of using lines like, everything happens for a.reason, she is out there if youre patient, you need to change ypur atmosphere and change your outcomes, maybe youre just aiming too high, all that crap and just admit ”yeah , giys like you are fun to torture”.
Active Ink Slinger
Fulfilling? You people keep using terms like that and happy and well all that other muck. I explained my issue, goody for me it kept piling on, I guess now Im to the point I just want to be verified, that Im not nuts, that at least where Im concerned, women are a valid threat. Hell I can go back to second freakin grade with games and stunts the gender has pulled on me, so can you fault me for my thoughrs and reactions?
Active Ink Slinger
Sorry, limited frame of reference, but the theory still holds. If I let my guard down, chances are she will tear my heart out again. So, treat all women as a ”threat” and Ill survive
Active Ink Slinger
Always respect an adversary, always fight as if its to the death, when you dont, you lose.
Active Ink Slinger
That was the only time first wife wanted it more than once a week
Active Ink Slinger
Beg to differe, a small minority of women may not use sex as a weapon...intentionally. The vast majority, may as well need a concealed carry permit
Active Ink Slinger
Not fair OMKN, that actress is stunningly gorgeous, only reason I watched that season of Dr Who
Active Ink Slinger
If size isnt realy an issue, then why are the vast majority of sex toys large, super large or holy crap thats not human, in size?
Active Ink Slinger
Where the hell are women who actually want sex? Never turned it down, always had to instigate but never turned it down.
Active Ink Slinger
Nope, dont have to do it again, shouldnt have to, not over and over. Its not fair for some to have it so easy and others to bleed out time and again because they are not the norm. Time to change it.
Active Ink Slinger
No, nephew is gay, I had no issues, even defended him from my brother, whose beliefs say its a choice or weakness, not genetic. And already had that talk with both of my sons. Family is very...devout and my religion is a target to them. Only thing that would set me off would be to.find out the boys were being hurt...or bullied. But I would know that already since I get all their medical bills. Nope its just another really big nail
Active Ink Slinger
Really, just yesterday I got banned from my sons graduation from high school by his mother and my mother. This is due to a letter my second wife sent to my first about my religion. and as far as they are concerned, Im disowned. Not the godfather to my nephews, cant talk to my sons, etc. you really see a happy ending?
Active Ink Slinger
Yes dd, and dont ever act as the dd for your daughter and her friend who is also.a lesbian and go into the one lgtb bar in town. That was frightening.
Active Ink Slinger
Pics in the shower? Has to be a girls only thing, Id look like a wet Newfoundland lol
Active Ink Slinger
In my uneducated opinion, lesbianism is either DNA or trauma induced. Never did the reverse research for men but I fully belive being gay is DNA as well.
Active Ink Slinger
Psychobabble is just that. A therapist may have schooling but they are limited by their life experirences, their frame of reference. Ive had to go to therapists as early as sixth grade when the teacher told my folks I was retarded because I Drew circles and squares in the wrong direction...Im left handed, the test was found obsolete twenty years prior. Another that my second wife made me go to for the ptsd from a.shooting I witnessed before the Army, used a techninique that somehow put me in red status 24/7, instead of.just irritable at my wife because I wanted a divorce. Stats aint good lol
Active Ink Slinger
Honestly glad for for you. But meeting on a site, evenwhen you find you know the person in reality, there is no promise they arent laighing at you while they type
Active Ink Slinger
Read daily, write two three times a week, draw weekly on average.
Active Ink Slinger
What lead me to see the wizard? My view, was not self destructive behavior, but the games played and I let myself be the victim, probably encouraged it due to my almost medival code( for lack of a better term). I always sided with the female, tried to protect them, not for sexyal gain, because I though thats.what I should do. Seems that just cries target to the estrogen banshees, so let them fend for themselves.
Active Ink Slinger
Well apparently length of relationship and activities conducted during are the qualifiers. Ones feelings dont count a whit if the woman decides they dont. How convienant.
Active Ink Slinger
Good thinking, I have a cause now, and obstacles can be planned away. Good Idea, dont let them control you...
Active Ink Slinger
In my life it has. Oh wait there was the time when I had spinal surgery