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Best way to numb/remove sexual and relationship needs?
You would have to tell us what the sexual and relationship needs you are talking about, are. Are you talking about your sex drive, love, friendship?
Find and use the most ferocious avatar you can [x] Check!

Display repeated animosity towards your previous preferred gender [x] Check!

Appear self-centered, victimized and empathy drained [x] Check!

Counter any and all advice requested from and provided by anonymous internet denizens [x] Check!

Castrate self to remove further hormonal raging [ ]

Give away computer, fire your internet service provider, remove all telecommunications devices from yourself [ ]

Sell house, quit apartment lease or leave active military housing, move to cave suitable for creature depicted in avatar [ ]

Live happily ever after.

You're more than half way there, dood.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Quote by oldhound
Best way to numb/remove sexual and relationship needs?

Get a fleshlight for the sexual needs and get a pet dog or cat for the companionship needs.

Anti-depressants to generally numb the overall emotional highs and lows.

When your mood stabilizes, set up a nice home office and join one of those sites like SecondLife and set up camp in the online universe. Act the complete opposite as you have on Lush.

I see I made myself misunderstood again. And it is invoking responses that one would expect. Ms trinket: I just dont want to need interpersonal contact with people. I can do this for a while, as most can, on anger. But that will either shorten my fuse, raise my tolerance or morph into something else. As most will probably readily comment, I dont have friends, ex took care of that. Just want the need gone.
Mr Felix, I dont drink
Mr wellmademale: 1) thats a marvel comic book Character, I have an affinity for werewolf lore. I see how I am perceived as self centered, was not my intent, just wanted advice. I countered your input only because it had been tried and failed. Self mutilation or self harm would be a true sign of insanity. Unfortunately, the.job I am taking upon retiring will require the use of.a computer. The creature in the picture drives a classic muscle car and had, at least, a sizeable family fortune. Ms doll, same drama exists in those sites, just fake avatars. I am medicated and I have to wait till I get to Mt retirement spot to get a pet. Thank you for the suggestions.
I have been in a boat where I didn't want any sort of relationship. The pain and hurt I had gone through was far too much and I didn't want to deal with trying again. If you truly want to put all that in the past and not date and not have the urges it’s possible. Do you have any desire to ever date again? Do you even want to have sex or masturbate? Do you want to just shelve this all for a while? Take some time for you, just you and no one else. Or is this a forever thing?

It’s a good thing you are medicated. It helps. I do think getting a pet is a good idea. Pets are extremely good for people. More so for those who live alone. {Not that I know if you do or not.}

If this is a forever thing, if you want to never think of being in a relationship and want the support. Try joining “Men Going Their Own Way aka MGTOW”. I know someone who’s in the group and has been for a few years. Sadly he isn't on Lush anymore.

If this isn't a forever thing and just want some you time for a while until you’re ready. You can do it. I did it for four years. I didn't date, have boyfriends, hell I didn't even masturbate. I just stopped it all. I have oddly weird will power when I want and or don’t want something and just go for it.

Best of Luck.
As far as my limited mind can forsee, I need it to be forever.
Quote by Poppet
If this is a forever thing, if you want to never think of being in a relationship and want the support. Try joining “Men Going Their Own Way aka MGTOW”. I know someone who’s in the group and has been for a few years. Sadly he isn't on Lush anymore.

I suggest this then.
they were NOT your friends if they could not remain neutral after the person left period...

you seem very...upset

i dont think it is wrong to be alone after you end a relationship

in fact if more people took the time to heal and live after these break ups..maybe less people would get hurt

so do what you love..sports reading traveling cooking music..etc..learn to be alone

become the master masturbator like me smile

and love yourself...

and honey if she made you this way she was a bad thing..a very bad thing

you will wake up one day and be VERY glad you had time to be YOU

using drink or sex to numb your feelings will only make the CUT deeper...and more infected

hugs...many hugs

ps you will get through this..WE ALL HAVE....ok
Again, I am being misunderstood. My fault, I apologize. The young lady who broke thw beasts back was the 33d. Why do I know the number, because each has been very clever in how it was done. Way to many ti list and have BS called on each. I dont drink because I do have ptsd, from before I joined. Sex is not an option because you need a partner, not likely as now I emit the bitter ass pheromone. Did none of you ladies think there were not repercussions when you chose who you chose in life? None of you on this site may even k.ow me if I gave you my name and where I grew up, but you all know someone like me. Im the one hit one too many times. And the messed up thing, Im still bound to be there for hwr,, all she has to do is ask. Because its my job, its all Ive done for thirty flippin years. So make your jokes, call me a liar, I wish I was. Ill read the comments and learn or just remember. At least I proved I was right, I dont need to be amongst you all.
Quote by oldhound
Again, I am being misunderstood. My fault, I apologize. The young lady who broke thw beasts back was the 33d. Why do I know the number, because each has been very clever in how it was done. Way to many ti list and have BS called on each. I dont drink because I do have ptsd, from before I joined. Sex is not an option because you need a partner, not likely as now I emit the bitter ass pheromone. Did none of you ladies think there were not repercussions when you chose who you chose in life? None of you on this site may even k.ow me if I gave you my name and where I grew up, but you all know someone like me. Im the one hit one too many times. And the messed up thing, Im still bound to be there for hwr,, all she has to do is ask. Because its my job, its all Ive done for thirty flippin years. So make your jokes, call me a liar, I wish I was. Ill read the comments and learn or just remember. At least I proved I was right, I dont need to be amongst you all.

Erm' No you don't.. but you keep coming back, no one is forcing you! You ask , we respond, you deny then you go on again, if it's not helping , why keep on?
My mistake, tried to learn, explain. Messed up, very sorry wont bother again. Thank you for your patience and time
Quote by oldhound
My mistake, tried to learn, explain. Messed up, very sorry wont bother again. Thank you for your patience and time

No need to take the passive aggressive approach. You know, there really are some fantastic people on this site, I know, I've certainly leaned on a more than my fair share. But it takes time to get to know people, just as in "real life".

However, you have asked questions in a public forum. Now, if you have perused the forums before making forum posts here (which I am going to assume that you have because you just seem like the sort of person who would take some time, watching what goes on before actually making a post) you will be well aware that results can be very mixed.

You've gotten off on the wrong foot and put people's backs up. The reactions you've seen are pretty normal and you shouldn't be too surprised at the responses you've had. I've seen quite a few of your posts around the place and in fairness, you have been given some excellent advice and also a bit of winding up too...

You are coming across as a deeply upset and negative person and, if you don't mind me adding my opinion in here, (hell, it IS a public forum, so I guess I can) I would suggest that you would do well to lighten up some and enjoy the rich tapestry that is Lush. There truly are lots of great people who would love to chat with you and exchange pleasantries and whatnot.

Now, I know that you said you don't want relationships and want to turn off your emotions and whatever else you said, but the fact that you keep posting and responding to replies, kind of says otherwise. That doesn't mean you have to "get involved" with people in an intimate way or anything like that and I'm not suggesting that you should either, but there are people who will talk to you, it is a social media site after all.

If you don't mind my saying though (and I hope that you don't) if you are suffering from PTSD, and or depression etc, then I think that you should extend your points of reference outwith Lush and find some help and support, proper help and support. There are many techniques and therapies which can be very beneficial in the treatment of trauma (old or new) and I don't just mean medication, although that of course has its place.

Please feel free to PM me if you would like more information as I would be more than happy to pass on details which could be of use to you. And before you dismiss what I've said out of turn, please do consider it.

If you want to be happier, you can. That is your decision.

Good luck

Ok, Ive read the posts, and Ive responded. I wanted, needed an answer. I guesss I here AND from her. I appear victimized, Everything happens TO me, nothing is my fault. Its all the.choices I made. BUT when I try to explain, I get replies that I dont want help, that I want to live like this. So in order to learn, I gave it the old college try, and got blasted again. Made an appointment with a psychlogist, after assuring her (great idea, putting the guy with women problems in with a female) She asked, what could make me think the way I do? So I listed all the incidents and jokes and etc. She laughed! Said that wasnt possible. Well, non believers, the furry one had ace in his hand he had forgotten about. My brother is in as well, a medic as fate would have it, and I gave her his info. She called him, and about 45 minutes later, she came out of her office, she had me wait outside, as red as an apple. He confirmed everything...every single blow to the head so to speak. She had...nothing...all that schooling and experience and all she could do was apologize for laughing. First strike back, I reported her to the clinic officer in charge, she should get fired, but she will probably just get a slao on her wrist. So what do I do now? That is why I put all this in the forum of this site, the odds of a smarter person out here are greater then where Im at.
I would suggest you find a different psychologist. Seriously, they are not all like that. Please consider just giving it one more chance with a different psychologist, what have you got to lose? Have you ever seen a Psychaiatrist? and NO I'm not calling you insane, or loony or whatever.. psychaiatrists dont' always treat their patients with medication. They place a high value on talking things through, putting things straight in your mind, help you to untangle the many thoughts going through your head at one time....they have a wider range of tools to help you than a psychologist does, and that doesn't include medication. Sometimes when you are thinking in a certain pattern for so long, it's hard to get out of it, they can help you see things in a different light etc.

I would really love to hear how you are going in the future.
I agree with Trinket.

These psychologists are just people and some really suck at their job. A personal example is with my mother who after her divorce when to a psychologist. She came out feeling great because she convinced the psychologist to take her side which validated her victim attitude. This was no help at all for her and years later she hasn't changed, leading to her kids pushing her away.

Getting out of being stuck isn't easy or quick and at the end you should not feel empowered to continue the same distructive behavior that lead you to the psychologist in the first place. This is a personal choice by the way that can't be blamed on the psychologist. You get out what you put in.
"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set her free." -Michelangelo

Please Enjoy: The Beach, The Workout, The Hike
What lead me to see the wizard? My view, was not self destructive behavior, but the games played and I let myself be the victim, probably encouraged it due to my almost medival code( for lack of a better term). I always sided with the female, tried to protect them, not for sexyal gain, because I though thats.what I should do. Seems that just cries target to the estrogen banshees, so let them fend for themselves.
There are Yoga moves that lower sex drive, as it channels the energy into the upper charka's rather then letting stay in your base charka.. it works.
When all else fails, become a solitary hermit in some solitary place and contemplate serenity all day and night long. When you get tired of the futile, empty life, welcome yourself back to the real world and suck it up, be a human being with dignity and respect for all.

A job.

Video Games.



Video Games.




Video Games.








Video Games.

Sight Seeing.

I'm halfway gone.