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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male


Quote by Guest
1. Intelligence.
2. Eyes.
3. Laughter.
4. Breasts.
5. Ass

Those are turn ons. I wouldn't say they're fetishes.
On the office table 1 afternoon when other staff members were out 4 lunch. Enjoyed it d most.
skyla425, always remember that sex is ultimately a mind game. Fuck buddy may satisfy ur lust 4 a moment, but once the fever of sex is down u will find urself alone and used. It's always better to find enjoyable sex in a relationship.
Do u think that spirituality and sexuality can coexist?
Guys, how many of u would like 2 b a gal in your next births to get d first hand feeling of how gals enjoy sex?
Gals, how many of u would like 2 b a guy in your next births to get d first hand feeling of how guys enjoy sex?
Omg, in d range of 10-12 times a day! Unthinkable 4 me. Let me remember how many times in a day. I guess, not more than 4 times.
Dear Sirene_Jaune , where is d need 2 masturbate when enjoy sex with ur partner. Use his dick instead of ur poor fingers.
Keep wanking. It's quite normal.

But save some sperm 4 ur girl friend also.
Quote by stargazing
Death is a beautiful journey as life is...

Death is not the end
Death can never be the end.

Death is the road.
Life is the traveller.
The Soul is the Guide

Our mind thinks of death.
Our heart thinks of life
Our soul thinks of Immortality.

Age doesn't matter. What matters is how close u r with ur partner in mind. Sex is a mind game.
What else can we do when there is no lady 2 do suck it? It gives us immense pleasure.
Quote by SexySophie
As a female, may I speak from a spectators point of view, particularly as men usually only get to see one cock - their own - whereas I have seen many. I prefer to see and hold and suck a circumcised cock which to my mind is altogether more hygienic and pleasant to look at than all those rolls of foreskin Plus I find a circumcised man can last much longer before nature makes him ejaculate.

Problem is, in England few men are circumcised except for the Jewish population, so in past times I've had to forsake the luxuries of having a circumcised guy. Fortunately, my present b/f is cut and I'm hoping his circumcised cock will be the only one I'm ever likely to see in the future.

SexySophie is of the opinion that circumcised cock is better 4 sex. I will beg 2 differ from her. I m not circumcised. Does it hinder sexual pleasure? I don't think so.
Yes, I do like sucking breasts and nibbling her tits. It is a great turn on. I do it even during fucking. Feel my partner loves that.
Hey, guys and gals, how many of u have tried paid sex? What is ur experience?
Seems many people r afraid of putting forth their opinion on this topic. ............... What abt me? Never. I can't sell my body 4 anything.
1 of GFs says that she would just run away from d scene to save her pussy.
Heartening 2 note dat most of u r ok with a normal size dick gifted 2 u by Him. Those, who want to enlarge it, may visit China and consult a quack there.
Guys, do u think ur cock should b a bit more in size & thickness so that u could bring more pleasure, during sex, 2 ur partner?
Gals, what will u do if u find ur lover's cock 12 inches long and 6 inches in circumference? Will u allow him 2 enter ur pussy?
I prefer female authors because I want 2 understand sex from a female's point of view. The reason is not far off 2 search. Dudes, I m a male!
For me, the natural smell coming out of the body is a real turn on. Sweat and scent of the love tunnel are always mesmerizing.