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Spirituality And Sexuality

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Do u think that spirituality and sexuality can coexist?
Of course they can. Spirituality (IMHO) is about our connection to the universe/God (depending on your preferred path), including each other. Our sexuality is a deep and vital part of who we are and I can't see being spiritual without my sexuality being a part of it. Read the Song of Solomon in the Bible. It is pretty clearly grounded in a relationship spirituality and sexuality regardless of certain puritanical Christian readings of it. The Tantric sex of Eastern traditions is another good reference point.
Quote by nil4sin
Do u think that spirituality and sexuality can coexist?

Yes, I do. I believe that in a healthy, balanced person, the two go hand in hand. It's all part and parcel of the many facets within a human being, in my opinion.

However, get the balance of spirituality, practice of the vehicle of understanding/beliefs wrong, and it can prevent people from enjoying and exploring nature, emotions and relationships , due to guilt, confusion, and feelings of worthlessness. That's not healthy, natural or enjoyable, and I feel like it is impossible to break out of that sort of mindset and doctrine, even if the brain can recognise otherwise.

In general, the two should be embraced and explored as part of every day life, along with the physical, mental, emotional etc parts of ourselves.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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I agree, your belief in a supreme being has nothing to do with your sexuality.
"When its too kinky for everybody else, its just gettin' good for me."
(Kinky Freedman)
Absolutely, religion and sexuality is a big problem for most religions but then spirituality and religion are often far removed.
Quote by jeremiahbull
Absolutely, religion and sexuality is a big problem for most religions but then spirituality and religion are often far removed.

Well said smile
Can you define spirituality?
Quote by jeremiahbull
Absolutely, religion and sexuality is a big problem for most religions but then spirituality and religion are often far removed.

Exactly this. I myself am trying to find a balance between my sexuality, spirituality, and religion. I've only just come to the conclusion that one's religion and one's spirituality aren't necessarily exclusive. Still trying to figure it out. It's quite a dilemma.
I can't imagine a life without each - spirituality and sexuality - both make me feel good but in different ways of course.
I have found that most major religions embrace sexuality (if not all major ones), they just do it in different ways than many would LIKE. I find that most major religions embrace sexuality in a wide range of ways and even great passion, with Married couples, not just in general and uncommitted or unwed situations. But personally I think spirituality and sexuality can be had, and when they are linked in some way it makes both better. I believe that spirituality and sexuality are part of our base beings. They are part of what makes us human.
Quote by clum
Can you define spirituality?

I define it as a personal belief in something beyond your own comprehension which guides you in determining right from wrong. It is independent of religious or societal expectations. For some those expectations (religious and societal) are a substitute for spirituality, for others they may form the basis of their spirituality. For myself I have explored and at times adhered to those expectations of religion and society. However I have found that too often leaders in religion and society manipulate those expectations for their own personal benefit. As a result I have rejected those expectations. What I found is that I did not become an animal with no concept of right and wrong. I feel something inside me that guides me in choices of right and wrong. For this reason I am not an atheist, I am an agnostic. I believe in spirituality but I do not know if god exists.
Yes they can coexist because God created all life to experience sexuality to procreate. It is intrinsic, endemic to our makeup. The real problem is, that of what we are taught in our churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, and other places are man-made, not God-made rules. For Christianity and Judaism especially and their Islam offshoot, much of what God mentions is added to or redefined by those in religious power to suit their agendas. This is especially true to any rules or whatever that stress the sexuality of men while oppress and depress the sexuality of women.
Absolutely they can. I'll save the discourse here.

Unfortunately in my case, my spouse comes from a very conservative church background and is not free emotionally to fully embrace her sexuality in the manner I believe God created for it to be, which has led to inhibitions and barriers to enjoy the sexual erotic physical relationship and body pleasures that can be enjoyed between two people.

Spirituality in my Native American culture is much different from that of most Western religions where spirituality is paired with worship of some deity. Ancient pagan animism is very embracing of sexuality as a basic element of the human spirit. In fact, they are intertwined irrevocably.
Tantra makes a effort to open the direct connection of the spirit with physical sex.
Quote by nil4sin
Do u think that spirituality and sexuality can coexist?

No question about it. "All acts of love and pleasure are My rituals" says the Charge of the Goddess.
agrees with above ! all components of this thing called life!

I feel to attach the word sacred/spiritual to sexuality is to assume that is dirty in it. I wonder if you would feel the need to attach those words to work or play 😊. It seems to be the attitude one brings to any aspect of life that is truly what matters.

In my stories, I am trying to locate the practice of sexual tantra in a human context. I am not sure it is very sacred at the first attempts but I hope in subsequent chapters as I get greater clarity into the true nature of my sexual desire I would imagine there would be glimpses of the sacred.

I would appreciate your comments on them.

What I wrote (I think that Unknown User is me, at least it sounds like me) when the thread started still stands:

Of course they can. Spirituality (IMHO) is about our connection to the universe/God (depending on your preferred path), including each other. Our sexuality is a deep and vital part of who we are and I can't see being spiritual without my sexuality being a part of it. Read the Song of Solomon in the Bible. It is pretty clearly grounded in a relationship spirituality and sexuality regardless of certain puritanical Christian readings of it. The Tantric sex of Eastern traditions is another good reference point.

Something a bit soft and melancholy for our poetry competition.

I'm not a fan of religion as a whole. I don't want to wax on in a huge essay but I think it's extremely damaging to most people. I find it's a tool for control and somewhere narcissism thrives. One of the tenants of many religions is controlling it's followers sexual behavior. This is right, this is wrong, you can enjoy this, you can't enjoy that. I think it disconnects a person from themselves and the world around them. I think religion in many ways is the antithesis of sexuality.

That brings me to spirituality, which I see as a more individual concept. It's your relationship with others, the world around you, the ideas of creation and intention, and even your relationship with yourself. Sexuality or lack of it is very much tied with this. I went to mass for almost 2 decades straight. I pretended it made me feel connected or holy, but in honesty looking back I was trying to fit in and be accepted. I think back now on what I consider my most spiritual moments in life and they don't come anywhere near a church. Many have been sexual, feeling truly and completely connected with my partner. Devotion and worship in a way more pure than yammering off some memorized phrases to a cross on an alter.

I'm not saying sexuality is needed for spiritualism either. I've been alone in a forest and felt so connected with the world around me I was shaken. So yeah, my opinion is sexuality and spiritualism can and are very much connected for people, but you can have one without the other.