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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 31
United States


I guess you could say yes, my husband is 7 years older then me.
Quote by hayley

ok i'm just 20.. so when I say I have.. people laugh.. seems I have to age considerably to be allowed the privilege ..... and yes I have experienced lust [I was a teenager until a few months ago ] and a schoolgirl to boot.. which involves infatuation no end [had my share of crushes ] ... so I actually know the difference..

seems older people.. who, I suspect, have never experienced it [not a dig at u sweet NightMan] .. decry younger people who claim they have found it.. like patting a child on the head with perfect condescension.. .
yes, Love comes in many degrees.. True Love remains while all the rest fade and die.. and no matter what happens.. good or bad or downright terrible.. it just lasts.. it never goes.. it makes distance irrelevant .. circumstance inconsequential .. trust absolute.... it can be absolute joy and absolute misery all in a heartbeat ... but no matter how deep the pain.. the Love remains...
yes.. I have found it..

I'm also only 20, and people have laughed at me too, but you know, what who cares. I have found true love, and he is the best thing that has ever happened to me. In fact we are getting married next weekend.
I like mostly clean shaven, but when he has the stubble, that's what I love.
my girl looks so good in one of my t-shirts and a pair of boy shorts.
I'm about three months pregnant and have been having some weird cravings.

Have you had any weird cravings while pregnant?
I'm about three months pregnant and have been having some weird cravings. Like I don't usually eat pickles, but for the past couple weeks I think I have eaten more then I have in my entire life, also almost everything has to have ketchup.

Have you had any weird cravings while pregnant?
Quote by PersonalAssistant
*knock me down with a feather!*

I have had some ongong chatting with a youngish dominating-confident-type guy - who is all over the fucking a pussy/ass hard (bdsm/forceful style) ... not to mention the get-down-on-your-knees-and-let-me-blow scenarios.

When I asked him about the reverse, going down on a pussy until the lady cums on your tongue ... his response was "You're going to have to REALLY get me going to do that"

So, my question is this to you guys .... is going down on your lady a turn off? (I'm kinda shocked at that one) Or is it something you warm up to over experience?

Eternally grateful for your input!


are you kidding, I love going down on my girl.
I'd like to have two kids, babe wants a boy so I'd like to have a boy, then a girl.
yes, my girl has a tattoo and it is in honor of her aunt and nanny, it is very well done.
my man looks good in everything but my favorite is a tight white tee shirt and blue jeans.
my girlfriend is asleep but, yes she does love sleeping naked, i love when I come home from work and she's asleep already and i come to bed and find her naked, when she does wear clothes to bed its usually a pair of panties and one of my tshirts.
Johnny took me to see Fast & Furious 6, I don't usually like them movies but I like that one, and then I went with one of my girlfriends to see The Great Gasby, I enjoyed it.
to me boob size doesn't matter, small to big, i like 'em all. my girlfriends arent to big or to small but i love them
my girlfriends voice, her breathing when she laying in bed next to me every night, rain.
Quote by Nikki703
Looks draw me in, personality keeps me there. You need some of each!!

I agree