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Quote by LakeShoreLimited
I did a quick count, and I may be off a bit, but I counted 112 entries. Is that the most ever in a comp?

Could be!

We've had a couple of 100+ ones before. I'd need to check if it's the most (when I can catch my breath).
Quote by Ensorceled
Does anyone know if the comp results are gonna be announced before or after the big move? I think it was originally scheduled for Sept 6, the day of the move.

The results are scheduled to be announced on the 7th.

I am waiting for the person doing the shortlisting to give me a Top 10, so it may be delayed a few days.
With a migration this large, there's a very tiny chance that things may go awry.

Although all our site data is backed up, it might be sensible to:

a) If you don't have a copy of all your stories saved locally (for computer illiterates, that's on your own pc!), download them all with our handy download option in the pulldown menu here:

b) You might also wish to copy your friend list somewhere:
Hi Folks,

I'm excited to announce that the site is scheduled to be ported over to the new platform on Monday, 6th September.

While this is happening, the site will be in read only mode. It should take 24 hours to get the core of the site up.

It will be an ongoing process to migrate all the media files (images / videos / audio files etc..) over, so please don't expect the site to be 100% from the off!

There will inevitably be some teething problems, things that need to be patched / added. But the good news is we now have a dedicated team of developers to ensure a smooth transition.

We will set up a new forum post to report bugs / issues once it's live.

As the notice below advises, now is a good time to make sure you have your login details handy. You will need to log in to the new site once it's up. The current site will no longer exist as of next week.

Thank you for your understanding.

See you on the other side!


Please use this thread for all matters concerning the transition to the new platform.

Thank you!
I'm locking this as we'd like to keep all the issues and suggestions to the one thread moving forward.
Thanks Jen.

People need to look at the bigger picture rather than get bogged down with minor irritations and issues at this juncture.

The new site will not be perfect and as we'd like it at the start. It a massive undertaking moving a 15 year old site which has TB's of data to transfer, for 600,000+ members.

Time is of the essence as there will be no further support on this current platform from Mid-September and it's essential we try and get LS 2.0 up by then.

So let's get the bulk of the site up and running, and then anything missing can be patched / addressed later, and improvements will then be ongoing.

We have a whole support / dev team now who will be able to implement required changes as they become necessary / on the members' essential wish list.

Thank you for your support and understanding while we are in transition.


P.S. I'm locking this thread as we'd like to keep all suggestions / issues to the one going forward.

Please post any comments or suggestions you have in this thread:
In under a month and on the new platform, all these issues will be behind us.
The new and improved is now live.

If you are active on both sites, please give it a going over and post any issues you find there in this thread:

It is basically a stripped down version of what we'll have here, so if we can iron out any problems we discover now, it would be a great help going forward.

Thank you!

The issue with the stories space forums has been resolved.

That site will hopefully be moved on Thursday.
Just heard that due to unforeseen circumstances and close to a TB of data needing moving, this may be a month away still unfortunately.
SS should be transitioned this week.

I'll let you know when I have an update.

Until then, please hang tight!
Quote by seeker4
I did manage to get one post up in Inspirations but gave up after that. Agonizingly slow. Looking forward to the "new normal" when it is ready.

I think the switch will happen this coming week. You are still seeing all the old site there.

I don't know what's going on with the forums there. I suspect it's something to do with a setting regarding email and post notifications going from this:

Error sending emails to users
System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: The operation has timed out. at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Send(MailMessage message) at yaf.pages.ForumPage.SendMailThread()

I'll have a quick poke around to see if I can turn them all off in one go.

EDIT: Nothing in the settings I can find to turn those off. We'll need to limp on until the change is made.

To give you an idea, that version of the forum software was coded in 2007. It's rather due an upgrade ...
Our sister site should be moving over in the next day or so.

Fingers crossed for a smooth transition!
I think it might be time to close this thread off as Gav hasn't touched the site in months and we are moving to a new platform in a matter of weeks.

Let's start a thread in the new site once it's up and bedded in.

We have always been on the look out as to how we can improve this site and will continue to do so in the next incarnation.
Well, all passwords are encrypted so there's no way we can tell anyone what their password is!

If they are in that boat, they should set up a new email account NOW, change their email address in the settings here, so if they can't remember the password they used (seriously write them down somewhere and keep them safe, same for any sites you deem important!), they can click the password reset link and it will go to their new email address.

I've made an amendment to my original post to forewarn people.

Quote by Fluttered
Will profiles be transported over, ie biographies, stories, and galleries, or will we need to redo our profiles completely ?

Profiles will be transported over.

I’m hoping that everything currently on someone’s profile will be carried over.

Question about the forum threads.

It's no surprise that I bomb them often, so often that I've bookmarked a little over 200 threads.

So, will these links be obsolete once the new revamped site is active?

The new site runs a version of PHP. This site runs (aspx file naming).

Your bookmarks will no longer exist on the new server. For example:

That category page on the new site will end up being something like: - which makes much more sense to search engines.

I will check with Griffers but I believe only the main areas of the site will be URL remapped, not all the forum posts and all the rest of it.

The reason being you can only tell googlebot to do so much, they limit the number of URLs that they recommend you map in such a way, and a lot of it would probably need to be done manually, which is a non-starter on a site this size. Sorry!

Oh, can we start telling users to remember their password cause I'm pretty sure we'll have to login to new site.

Good idea! I'll post something this week.
Quote by Godsangel
This looks very exciting! Will there be some new emojis as well? New avatars?

I think all the current emojis will be replaced with more modern ones which look a lot clearer on all devices. It's a case of let's see what's going to be there by default and perhaps adding in new ones if requested / necessary.

Do you mean default avatars people can choose from?

I'm not sure what's happening with those to be honest. It's always preferable that people create their own unique one so they stand out more.
Quote by adele
I do think the forums could use some culling and rearranging, especially weeding out some of the multitude of kiss. lick, suck, fuck, date, pass, no pass, etc threads. however, if whole threads are removed, how will that effect the post count. I am not sure where that data is stored, but if it is in the forum coding itself, it could be an issue. if it is stored in each person's profile, and the counter there is just increased by one with each new post, then it shouldn't be an issue.

I also think there should be a mod or mods that verify each new thread to ensure it isn't another duplicate thread and also make sure the thread is in the correct section. similar to a story mod, but approval would be rather simple.

I take it you mean in this forum?

That would all have to be done manually.

The best way to do it would be to hide those threads so people's post counts aren't affected, or move them to the multi-page thread forum (where few venture). Deleting them would lower the post count of those who contributed.

If you post a list of threads you'd like moving, I can do that for now. I do the housekeeping periodically but it's such a dull task I just leave that forum alone mostly.
That's all I've got for you right now as the profile pages haven't had an import yet. Sorry!
Behind the scenes we have a team of developers working furiously at moving our site over to a new platform.

Along with that comes a lot of testing.

I'd like to thank Jen, Liz, Sprite, Gillianleeeza, StarBelliedBoy, PhilU, Stormdog, el_henke and TrinityX particularly, for their collective efforts with the beta testing.

One person has been more than generous with his time, and has gone over the new versions of both stories space and lush with a fine tooth comb.

A huge thank you to WannabeWordsmith. You're a star!

Following on from my post in June concerning site changes, I am delighted to announce that our new team of coders have made excellent progress on the new site, and it is a matter of weeks away.

They have done a successful data import and trial run on stories space (which will be ported over first), and are aiming for a launch date for the new around 17th August all being well.

The new platform is lightning fast, and purpose built to be responsive for all devices. It has a very clean and modern new design, and is a lot less cluttered.

It's human nature to dislike change, but I believe the new site and chat rooms in particular, will be a huge improvement.

Plus with a team of coders on board, we can make any changes our membership deem as necessary, in a much more expedient manner going forward.

EDIT: It is very likely you will need to log in to the new site when it happens, as your cookies will most likely be invalid. If you can't remember your password, click on the Forgotten Password (/ email address) link: and go from there. If you used a throwaway email address or can't access it, use / set up a use a proper email account, then change it in your settings here: - that way you won't be locked out and have to set up your profile all over again. We can't merge profiles.

Here are some screenshots from the front page of the staging site to give you an idea of how it will look (sorry about the grainy images! I'll upload some to my gallery so they aren't resized):
Sad to see Osman / DamonX, a member for over a decade, losing his cool and throwing all his toys out of the pram.

Despite everything, I'll miss his cantankerousness and shit-stirring.

Am I allowed to swear in here? I have never looked at the rules anywhere I've drank ...

Mine's a large glass of the best red in the house
Quote by Ensorceled
I am on this like Ahab on Moby Dick.

The Moderator of the Month award for June goes to a relative new kid on the block to the moderation team.

She has taken the bull by the horns, and rampaged through the story queue, processing a joint top 91 stories in June (together with Tam, and 6 ahead of Laura).

She is avidly curious about most things, and has proved to be a delight around the place.

Please thank AvidlyCurious for her site contributions over the last few months.

Thanks AC!