Join the best erotica focused adult social network now
Over 90 days ago
Fluid Female
United Kingdom


I thought this is funny.

Have any better ones?

(No slagging off people on here you don't like! lol)

Great to see you Abigail!

Thank you for the feedback. I think we may very well give it another go down the track.

For a long time, we published eBooks on Amazon, but they had a policy change 5 or so years ago (from memory!) saying they were no longer publishing what they considered, "Pornography".

I noticed earlier today though that 2 of our eBooks (we used to repackage our best stories, competition entries or individual longer stories) are still published on Amazon - so they aren't deemed outright pornography in Amazon's eyes:[…]1f4-bc7c-b419f178a05f&pd_rd_wg=M2j7M&pd_rd_i=B00838YM8C&psc=1[…]+erotica&qid=1637068249&rnid=2941120011&s=digital-text&sr=1-1

In theory then, if sex scenes are part of an overall story, then they should be fine. Their content guidelines say as much: (cough, 50 Shades of Grey).

Here's a recent article on the subject too, which shows many are clearly getting published:

I am thinking of publishing again on there. The best of the latest competition entries would be a good test for example (price = free), as they are longer and have more of a plot than your typical interweb "sex story".

Does anyone here have experience of publishing on Amazon (via KDP) over the last year or so? What did you publish? What is accepted as "ok" with them?

I'd like to say a big thank you to a Moderator who absolutely chomped her way through the queue in October.

Please congratulate and say "Yay" for the lovely Tamara, who processed a whopping 127 stories in October!

I'll be in touch regarding your $100 prize Tam!

We are still swamped with over 100 stories in the queue, so please bear with us while we try and clear our lines as fast as possible!

I have moved a few stories over which were better suited to the new category.

I'll move more into the category as time permits.

We have added a new "Facesitting" category to our listings. It never really fitted into a specific category perfectly, so we decided to give it its own.

If you have some existing facesitting stories which you would like to move to the new category, please feel free to do so:

Facesitting stories (sometimes also known as "face sitting", "queening", "face riding" or "smothering" stories) are tales where there is often an element of domination and submission involved.

The act of face sitting itself is where a person will squat over (not really "sitting" as such) their partner's face, lowering their genitals over their lover's mouth for oral sex. The dominating partner enjoys the feeling of empowerment as their sub is "forced" to perform oral sex on them - typically cunnilingus, but sometimes analingus too, as the mood fits!

Facesitting is popular in the kink / BDSM community as there are elements of domination, trust and control involved.

Oh my, I always miss birthday threads.

How could I do it to you Rach!

I'm not getting reminders!!!

I hope you've been taking things easy in your retirement. Oh hang on, that's not you ...


Please keep reporting issues. 

I have a 4 page long shared document with them listed, which are rapidly being worked through based on priority. 

Most of the site is now as it was in terms of functioning and being useable. 

Let's applaud the efforts of the Dev Team please. They are working their socks off.

We are delighted to announce our first ever competition on the relaunched LS V2.0 platform, with a whopping $500 on offer to the winner!

The Ultimate Seduction

Seduction means “To entice or beguile into a desired state or position.”

Vladimir Nabokov once said; “Above all, a great writer is always a great enchanter,”

Gifted storytellers are those who are able to seduce their readers from the first sentence. The reader is lured in, taken into another world of mystery, excitement and intrigue. They hint and flirt at where their story is going, but never give more than a glimpse of where it's ultimately heading. Audiences are kept in suspense, teased and drawn in as the plot unravels, and the heat becomes unbearable. Only once it reaches simmering point, does the ultimate seduction take place.


For this competition we are looking for stories which build up gradually, like a slow tease. We want readers to be seduced by your stories, as much as the characters in them should be seduced too.

Of course a climactic outcome and hot sex are desirable as always, but we leave that up to your imagination!

We are giving a generous word count for this competition of 6,000 words, which gives a greater scope for plot development and a slower build up.

Winner: $500

Second Place: $250

Third Place: $100

Full dates and details can be found here:

I have 2 pieces of great news. 

The first is I've touched base with Rumps on FB and he was having access issues. I just saw him online so I hope he finds his way over here to a hearty round of applause.

The second news is we have a new competition up to celebrate the new site going live (and almost working as god intended!) with a whopping $500 FIRST PLACE PRIZE!

Full details here:

Quote by Lurker411

How can I access the full list of entries, or even the winners?

This is being worked on, as are the badges.

Teething problems!
Quote by clum

With links!

1st Place ($150): Art Lovers, by Jaymal.

2nd Place ($100): Comet Q, by Ensorceled.

3rd Place ($50): Siren's Call, by Jen.

(S)Punk Rock Show, by el_henke.

Plumbing Her Depths, by WannabeWordsmith.

Nailed on the Rails, by techgoddess.

The Fertility App, by dronette56.

Vanessa Fucks The Tentacle Beast, by naughtyannie.

Dark Water, by VioletVixen.

Good Girl, by CuriousAnnie.

Thank you!  I was in a huge rush earlier with close to 300 help desk queries to try and get through. 

Quote by Lurker411

The announcement and details of the migration should have been made by email. I have been here for a year and NEVER been to the forums. I was here for the stories. As such, I was blindsided and had made no backup of my favorite story list and followed authors, things that have now disappeared. I also would not have upgraded from Bronze to Gold a week before the move had I know it was happening. 

I am autistic and need time to process change. This site is an important part of my life and the drastic, sudden change has sent me into a meltdown. Which people may have noticed by my erratic and, at times, inappropriate forum posts and messages. I have been largely staying in bed and eating very little, to my physical and professional detriment. 

Don’t assume that everyone is a social butterfly that lives and breathes in the forums and the chatrooms. 

I'm sorry you feel blindsided Lurker411.

The thing about sending 600K emails is that a lot of service providers block you. So you may not have received it anyway. 

I hope you enjoy the new surroundings. If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know. 

Our new chat rooms are part of a global adult network who use the same software. There are several thousand people typically online, across this network, and we're privileged to have been invited on board.

We hope that you are all enjoying being part of a bigger ecosystem!

A reminder that everyone should read and adhere to the following chat room rules:

This is a gentle reminder that failure to comply with our acceptable use policy / site terms, can lead to a friendly warning or a permanent ban from the site without notice depending on the severity of the offense.

Chat nicely folks! 



Please do not reply to this thread, it is for information only.

Locking it causes it not to appear on the main forum listings (known bug!).

We are absolutely swamped at the moment with support enquiries with over 250 hitting the site each day. 

The majority of them are covered off in the new FAQ we've hastily put together below.

Firstly, there is a known issue with logging in / the home page links not working. The development team have been working on trying to fix this for the last 4 days. It is stopping some people from logging in. 

Having 100 "I can't login" messages hitting our support platform, really isn't helping! We know!

Please give us a week to sort out issues and then check back in. 

But read the following first and you may have your solution here:

~~ Login problems

You may find now that your username is case sensitive and therefore the right capitalization will be required. 

If you enter this exact match with the password you normally enter, you should be able to login.

~~ Favourite stories and other features missing

There's some of the existing features such as favourite stories that are still in development and will be available during future updates. Apologies for the inconvenience.

We understand that getting used to the new setup will take time and we hope that eventually you will enjoy the new toys to play with.

~~ USA flag in chat

The new chatroom is connected to a global network of other websites that our business partner also operates (predominantly adult dating / swinging sites). Each site is represented by a flag because they are operated in different countries.

Since Lush has been introduced, considering the majority of the site is based in the USA, a USA flag has been selected by the team to be shown. We understand that not every user is based in the US, and therefore, this isn't a perfect reflection. However whilst the website is still under development, this is the only option at the moment.

As our development continues, we will look at being able to allow users to customize the flag based on the profile location that has been selected.

~~ Site update "hate"!

The old website has served everyone incredible well over the years, however, it has reached a point where it has become unsustainable.

The former co-owner and chief technical officer Gav has decided to move on and therefore the future of the website had to progress otherwise it would not be able to continue.

For more information on this, please read:

Over the past few months, the website which has been so successful over a 15 year span, has been completely redeveloped onto a brand new system which was somewhat of a technical feat in itself, especially considering that it had to happen over a very short period of time.

Some improvements have been introduced, some of the former features that were available have been retired, and some are still in development.

We would encourage everyone to bear with us and take some time getting used to the new system, checking back for updates and improvements. Thanks for being part of this fantastic community.

~~ Ladies / Mens Only room

We appreciate the comments that you have put forward regarding the Ladies / Mens Room. Limiting specific account types from joining a room isn't an option that is available on the current chatroom. However it is something that we can develop and re-introduce in the future.

The only way to restrict which members can enter a room is by having a room with password restriction. We have seen that some users have started this and therefore it may be the case that you need to contact the room creator to ascertain how to enter. Alternatively, you could create your own private Ladies / Mens Only room and share the password with those who would like to join

~~ Email verification confusion

As an existing member of the Lush, there is no requirement to email verify. Apologies for the confusion that this was mentioned as a requirement in our welcome email to you from 'FelicityAdmin'.

~~ Private Messages Member created folders missing

Unfortunately the platform we've moved to isn't currently set up to handle personal folders which members have created for their messages. It only has an inbox and a sent box.

Your messages have been imported into your inbox. We will look at adding the folders option down the track if there's enough demand. 

Rather than contact support, please report issues in the "Report Bugs Here" thread:

Common issues reported there will be treated as a priority.

We also have a site wide FAQ section where you may get your answer:

Thank you for your understanding. Our support team are starting to resemble a group of miners coming off a 16 hour shift!


I apologize for the lateness of the results being published. All the judges' votes were stuck in the ether until today!

I have them all now and the results are as follows:

1st Place ($150): Art Lovers, by Jaymal.

2nd Place ($100): Comet Q, by Ensorceled.

3rd Place ($50): Siren's Call, by Jen.

Rounding out the top 10: (S)Punk Rock Show, by el_henke.

Plumbing Her Depths, by WannabeWordsmith.

Nailed on the Rails, by techgoddess.

The Fertility App, by dronette56.

Vanessa Fucks The Tentacle Beast, by naughtyannie.

Dark Water, by VioletVixen.

Good Girl, by CuriousAnnie.

Congratulations to Jaymal, Ensorceled and Jen on your excellent winning entries. 

Well done to those who made up the rest of the Top 10!

Thank you to everyone who entered, voted and commented on the stories, to my shortlister and all the judges who took the time to go through them. 

I'll be in touch with the winners today concerning your prizes.

A new MEGA competition will be announced soon to celebrate the launch of Lush V2.0!



P.S. Now to figure out how to do the EP and RR's, create a Top 10 and issue badges! 

Messages have appeared in my inbox magically over the weekend so I'll get on this now. 

The winners will be announced today!

The situation is, I don't have the messages containing the judges' votes ported over from the old platform yet, so until I do, the results will be delayed.

Apologies. This is out of my control!

I have just received the Top 10, so giving the judges the usual 3-4 days will make an announcement on the 8th or 9th the most likely scenario now, particularly as the imminent site move is upon us.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!