Quote by BluRootz
Quote by LASARDaddy
How many hear som jerk-off reporter mispronounce a name. They are getting PAID to do that and no one calls them on it. That's bothered me for 40 and more years. As an actor them not learning to pronounce it correctly is an insult. I ask everyone so I get it right.
There are huge areas where people do not understand the difference between "Bring" and "Take". When I was teaching engineering in Lakehurst, New Jersey another engineer would always ask me, "Hey Paul, can you bring me home tonight."
I'd answer, "No Sal, I can't."
He responded, rather indignantly because we lived within a block of each other, "Why not!"
Me, "Because, Sal, we're here together. I can take you home but I'd have to go there first then turn around and come back to get you so I could bring you there." He never got that and he was a very smart guy. Top notch engineer.
Another is when someone asks me a question then says, "That's what I thought." after I answer.
Quote by LittleLuce
At this point it is time to offer our condolences to Kolo and Yaya Touré whose brother, Ibrahim Touré also a footballer with the Lebanon-based Al Safa team, died yesterday after a short battle with Cancer. He was 28 years old.
I hope you'll all join with me in wishing their family all the best at this sorrowful time.