Is Harry Potter believable?
Of course not, but people eat up that shit anyway. So no, it doesn't matter if it's not believable.
Maybe there's a reason why so many models were with him. Perhaps he has a secret in his pants! ;)
That looks Like Akumal Beach Resort. I went there before. What a great place!!!
I can't believe they have a book! Is that for real?
That looks like it doesn't belong thee. we're so used to seeing these pics over a Kansas field, not on a beach!
Labels are for trendies. If you want to be "cool" or "modern" or "trendy" then you label yourself. The real people don't need to mention this, it don't matter.
totally a realistic scenario... very funny!
Those are very funny. I like the "cock soup". You should submit those to Ellen's "what's wrong with these photos, photos" segment!