Limiting my time on here.
Gift a beautiful necklace
Some good old fashion SWEET TEA...
Cute Kindergarten Teacher
Oil n Borat lol
Just hearing His voice n seeing him on really makes my day :-) thanks baby! ag33 xoxo
I'd take his truck...thanks lol
mmm get me baby!
Mmm yes...I'm hoping its some really hot girl :-).
I come on here :-) !
What's your biggest pet peeve?!
its actually a phrase my Mother uses.... damn it to hell you mother bitch! lol
Sure...why not but I'm hoping its my
Hmmm...hug maybe more?! Lol
the best couple orgasms was with my man...let's see the other day...mmm can't wait for another session!!! Xoxo ag33
[Love isn't just a word, its a verb! To Love someone is to let your world open up and allowing them to become part of you. Allowing them to see your Dark side as well as light. Love is UNCONDITIONAL.. Wanting the Best for that person even if you two could never be...Praying for that Person more than you pray for yourself. Giving everything without any expectations....that's love.
Is it easier for Men or Women to get into another relationship right after a break up?!
Yes, its a form of foreplay. Why wouldn't you want to please your man?! I'm all about just pleasing him and teasing him. I get off that I'm getting him off! Some girls are a lil apprehensive because maybe they aren't sure what they are doing...So guys tell your girl how you want it! There are many books n of course porn but experiment have fun n be using Altoids etc!!!
On my birth certificate it had said I was a still born....