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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 52
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Another interesting science fact: (Thanks for making me think of it, GB)

We are biologically designed to have a slight aversion to the scent of someone of the opposite gender, when they are too genetically similar to us. Nature's way of keeping us dipping into the mutation pool, it seems.
Quote by simplyjohn
Women are such damn awful drivers !! Parking sensors front and back should me mandatory for women drivers and they should only be allowed to drive at night when there are few other cars on the road. Well I am so sick of paying such high insurance premiums because there are so many women on the roads !! Just venting my spleen perhaps but it is a fact.

This is pretty funny. I have the same argument about older drivers. As for ALL women, I am throwing a yellow here. Personally, I've never once caused an accident, and have (through very defensive driving...i.e. I assume that everyone around me is a complete moron) avoided dozens. I guess there is an odd ball in every lot, eh?

But I know what you mean. I was once plowed into at a stop light by a chick talking on her cell phone going 45mph; she didn't even brake. My 4 month old and 5 year old were in the car. It took restraint not to violently remove her weave.

Bad drivers don't really have a gender, though. They all suck.
Quote by nicola

iPhone - no adult apps allowed.

Android - I tested our new app yesterday, and am signing off the project as completed in the next day or so, once a few changes have been made.

I think it's really rather good

Awesome! Can't wait to see how this goes. Because I don't already spend too much time on here....
Quote by Gurlyboy

I got a wee bit turned on reading this. Weird, random and true.

You know what? I got kind of turned on when I heard about it! I love the idea of the Alpha protecting his claim. lol
Pre-ejaculate immediately prior to ejaculation is alkaline (and, thus, contains the greatest concentration of semen of all pre-ejaculate), because it helps to neutralize the "hostility" of the acidic womb, thus giving little swimmers a fighting chance.

Interestingly, earlier pre-ejactulate tends to be more acidic, as is the final increment of ejaculatory fluid (both due to prostatic activity). Scientists speculate that it is an evolutionary trait, and is designed to help to eliminate (kill) sperm from another donor, thus increasing the chances of fertilization of the current male's sperm.
A white bikini with bamboo leaves and stalks on it. Sunning by the pool=a hard day's work (only cos' I was white as a ghost).
I'm not against it for other people, but I never have. Firstly, I've just had enough bad experiences when men I've KNOWN turning out to be crazy, I cringe to think how crazy a stranger might be.

Secondly, I don't go anywhere where I'd have the opportunity to meet someone like that, even if I WAS interested in doing so. I'm not into bars or clubs.
It depends on my lover's skill...or if the kids are around.

Apparently, even when I'm trying to be quiet, they have heard, though. Our master bedroom is on the first floor, with the family room right on the other side. I really didn't anticipate that problem when we bought the house. :/
I have to admit: if the grammar is bad, I just cannot get into it. The same goes for news stories. I hate seeing how lazy/uneducated reporters have become. They're lucky to have a job these days, too; how can they be so nonchalant about it?

I certainly don't claim to be a grammar wiz (I'm sure there are a few overlooked issues with some of my own stories; admittedly, I don't proof-read enough!), but if it's just horrendously incorrect in grammar, or the writing is really broken and does not flow, I have to move on.

I know a lot of people say that they just never really learned it in school. Come on. I moved to 16 different schools in secondary school. I never took grammar formerly (but I took both Civics and Biology twice lol). By the time I went to college, I didn't need to; I'd taught myself. So, there's no excuse for bad grammar, IMO. Buy yourself some grammar books and teach yourself. That's what I did (how well I did remains debatable lol).
Depends on if my friend has expressed any sexual interest in me, and whether I feel the same.
Quote by Dancing_Doll

When women say 'size doesn't matter' they mean that it doesn't matter as long as you hit that minimum average-cock size. Whether you are average or large doesn't really matter as much... but you have to at least be average. If we're talking micro-penis territory, then unfortunately yes, it does matter.

Very true...sad as it is to say, DD is right there.

Size can be an issue for me, though...the bigger, the scarier (I'm not into pain, and anything bigger than 6 inches can be really painful, depending on the position). But I'm also not into it taking forever for my partner to cum (which, fortunately, has never been an issue thus far, unless we've been drinking a lot).

I know there are a lot of women who love a bigger man, or a man with tons of stamina, but I'm not one of them. Even if he comes right away (something I don't necessarily mind), as long as he's interested in still messing around if I want to, I'm cool with that. For me, it's just getting it out of the way, so we can take our time without that impending need causing him to want to rush.

I think "willingness to please and be pleased" is more important than either size or stamina.
Quote by Kal-El85
It's my 21st Birthday...and I have the day off from work.

Happy Birthday! smile
Confidence, sensitivity. I love when a man is confident and open-minded in his sexuality, but is also keenly aware of his partner's needs. I love a man who is willing to explore, and allow me to please him...being willing to let go of any possible hangups, and just trust me enough to enjoy every aspect of our time together.

What is an absolute no-no for you, sexually?
Yes. (As long as he has a brain in his head. Otherwise, the other has no real appeal.)
Quote by Jacknife
Do people here believe they are destined to fall in love with someone specific in their lives?

I do not. I'm of the Margaret Meade POV. Meade, arguably the "Mother of Cultural Anthropology", was three times divorced. When a reporter asked about her 'failed' marriages, she said," I didn't have any failed marriages. I've been married three times and each marriage was successful."

This, of course, was a statement of how we change throughout our lives, and have differing needs in each stage of our lives. This isn't to say I do not believe two people can or should remain married to each other throughout their lifetime together. I simply mean to say that we each grow and change as we get older. We can, as couples, either choose to grow together or, invariably, we will end up growing apart.

As far as fate goes, I'm not a fatalist but I must say I believe the energy of the world (some may call it god...I don't know what to call it) does place us in the paths of others with whom we can connect, or with whom we might have special relationships. Whether we choose to take advantage of those opportunities is another thing. But, I've met some amazing, brilliant people with whom I cannot help but feel I was destined to meet and affect/be affected by in some way.
Details, details, details! I think details are definitely important. It's the delivery of the details that can make or break a story, though!

I find that, overwhelmingly, of all the messages I receive from people about my stories, they almost always compliment on how detailed they are. But it can be tricky because, in writing, one of the biggest challenges is in the giving of information. If done incorrectly, it can easily disrupt the flow of the story. Left out, though, you may confuse your readers or, even worse, fail to capture their interest.

The best advice I could give to a writer is to consider how they might describe a detail of the story to someone who cannot see it. I really enjoy the use of analogy and metaphor in describing things, but not everyone feels comfortable using them.
I let things build and build, then let off some steam, and all is well again. Never hold a grudge, never stay angry.

To what thought or image did you last masturbated?
I have always admired his icon, as well as his opinions. (Oh! Plus his stories! Triple play, baby.) smile
Quote by Gurlyboy
Hence. A wee word that some tend to get maybe a little confused about. I would like to correct this confusion, hence my posting here.

Hence means "for this reason; therefore" or "from this time". Let's look at the usages of the word, shall we?

If you were using it in the latter sense (from this time), you could imagine this conversation taking place:

"I'm going on holiday, I can't wait!"

"Oh, when?"

"Two weeks hence."

Note that you don't have to put anything in front of the "two weeks" bit because in this particular usage it means "two weeks from now". I think this is the usage of "hence" that most people understand. The usage that most people don't seem to be able to grasp is "for this reason".

If you were wanting to use the word in this way, here is an example of how NOT to use it:


You will notice that I emboldened the word "why". This is because it is not needed because hence means "for this reason" and so the usage of the word "why" is redundant. It also makes less sense. Here is the proper usage of the word hence:

"He punched me, hence the bloody nose."

Notice how much easier it is to understand why the man has a bloody nose. It's shorter, more to the point and most importantly, correct. I hope you all enjoyed my little lesson on how to use the word "hence". Now I hope that, henceforth, you will all use the word properly.

You are too cute, Gurly. Thanks for posting this! I like this cause which up you've taken (I know! That sounds stupid, huh? But it's correct!). Grammar is an essential part of communication, and not something anyone should take for granted.
A perfectly fitted, just-below-the-knee-length black pencil skirt. It is a bit high-waisted, and it's my version of the perfect pair of jeans. I can dress it up with cashmere twinset, pearls and heels, or down with a t-shirt and flip flops. It fits me perfectly and always keeps its shape.

I probably own 20 or more black pencil skirts, but this one fits the best. I think the others were just rehearsals for the real one.
This is a great question. I think there are lots of causes for this "phenomenon", and they are convoluted.

Firstly, in developmental psychology, it is an accepted standard that females develop, maturationally, much more quickly than their male counterparts. Hence, an 18 year old woman would have the maturity, psychoemotively, of a man of 23 or so. This explains the smaller variances in age in dating.

There are certainly women who religiously date men much older than them, and that might be indicative of a lack of father figure, or perhaps motivated by something else. Some women enjoy older men because they seem to appreciate their women more. Some are more financially secure, and know what they want in life. Some consider older men to be more passionate and considerate lovers etc. There are myriad reasons why some women might prefer to date only older men, but it's not unique to women. There are men who will only date (insert adjective here) women. I think this has something to do with their comfort level. It also tends to relate back to their earliest positive sexual experience (at least, this is what we see clinically).

Personally, I have dated both younger and older men. My husband is 20 years older than me. At the time I became friends with him, I'd been dating a world-ranked kickboxing champion who was 7 years younger than me for two years (we didn't break up because of my husband, if anyone thought that). I guess I feel age doesn't factor into it at all, for me at least. My husband is brilliant, compassionate, generous, considerate, funny, and a million other adjectives (all positive). Do I lament the fact that, most likely, I will live longer than him? Absolutely. But any time I get with him is better than decades with someone who is younger but not in tune with, and accepting of, who I really am.

Wow! How old is this lady?! I'm kind of shocked her ovaries are still working...unless...wait. Could the compulsive tanning make her look a lot older? Hmmm.

This is one of those things that is probably being blown out of proportion. The media loves to make a mountain out of a molehill, don't they?

As for tanning, I'd LOVE to have the time to lay out in my bikini or run up to the tanning salon. I end up with a farmer's tan on my arms, legs, and a nice dark band above my backside because when i hunch over to garden, my shirt rides up. It's really men who are over seventy and widowed. lol

Oh dear God. I just read this chick is 44...four years older than I am! She looks like she could be my grandmother! (Actually, my 83 year old grandmother is MUCH more attractive.)

My first serious boyfriend. We were both virgins. He stalked me for 15 years afterward!
As humans, we have a love-hate relationship with age. We are also extremely ageist, though, which is sad. I think the more experiences you go through in life, the more you chill, because part of what makes us afraid of things in life is the unknown. It can be harrowing not to know what to expect; hence, wisdom with age. The more you experience, the more confident you are about dealing with the tribulations life throws at you.

Older people will always feel like younger people are making foolish decisions, because they cannot relate anymore...they know too much now. As the saying goes, "Youth is wasted on the young". Personally, what irritates me about youth is the misguided arrogance of thinking they know so much. The more you know, the more you realize how little you know, right? But I'm sure I thought I knew everything when I was younger, too. It is ignorant bravado that keeps us from becoming frozen with fear when we are younger. If we knew everything that we know as we get older, we wouldn't do a lot of things that end up teaching us the life lessons we need in the first place.

Bravado, then wisdom. It's this transition that keeps us going and growing, from cradle to grave.
I'm friends with my exes, and have had a FWP relationship before. For me, it worked out well. It got a little passionate there for a bit, but it was a lot of fun, and we are still friends.

I HAVE to be really fond of the person I'm with, anyhow, so it stands to reason they'd be a good friend before they become my lover.
Quote by Buz

I absolutely will not wear yellow, except for a pale yellow. Any other yellow may resemble Georgia Tech colors and I will not do that. I also will not wear orange. No orange at all. Orange is Florida, Auburn, Tennessee & Clemson colors. All those universities are arch rivals to my UGA and no way in hell will I wear those colors.

Pale yellow looks great on men, but you're right about any other color yellow. Yuck.

Hey! University of Virginia and navy (and I know they aren't threats to anyone, really) .

C'mon...come back to the orange. ;)

On a side note, pink is a great color on some guys. Maybe it's the prep in me. But seeing Uni boys in madras shorts (or white and blue seersucker) and light pink Izods is so sweet. Yum. Luckily, both hubby and his adult sons are quite preppy, because it's heavenly on them.