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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 155
United States


I fell that we members who were here before the change should be grandfatherd in to the new system with out charge anyone joining after 1/1/2015 are stuck by the new requirements.

I for one have seen a drop in membership since couple of catigories were remove, I was planning on leaving then, but have stuck it out, With this new change came in as a bush whack item with out warning....

member should have been give a warning order befor this was drop on the membership. JMHO
Love phone sex and sex.. Have it with s pecialk lady from lush, we have phone sex most daily and sex. Have got caught by her hubby while having phone sex and I hear him fuck her hard.. Make me cum harder and she comes hard knowing I am listening to her get fuck.
I give my a good massage wiht the thumper all over and after 15-20 mins she is ready for love.
my hnad stroking it, while watching porn or my girl masturbating.
between the breast.....on the nipples... on tne belly, on the pussy mount.

for the enjoyment of both partners
Yes, most time thats when she is the horinest, in my exwife case she was,
MILF, , and **Content removed by moderator. Violates Lush TOS.**.
Yep a great way with my girl doing the same watxhing each other
Quote by delishdani
Have any of you made love to a women while she's on her menstrual cycle? I think we've all heard the expression, "When the river run's red, Take the dirt road instead."
Ive never done this..I find it some what gross, unsanitary even.
Is it nice? Im not a prude, but somethings take it too far..
Any comments?
yep when my ex was in her period, she is horner then heck.... made it easer to fuck her, she was well lub.
I perfer Oral to get thing moving then fuck to end the monemt,
when she is sucking me and playing with her pussy..That is a turn on and I blow a big load.