The person who said "a square peg won't fit in a round hole" never understood the importance of foreplay
Yeah Im writing that in bits and pieces
there's been some interesting shit
married father grandfather retired
drama free... there is enough bullshit in the 'real' world
Outdoors, travel, camping all over the U.S. and Canada
painting (oils) drawing (charcoals, pencil, water color pencils) photography
baking and cooking
killing shit in my gardens
Favorite Books
my book shelves are full
and my kindle is getting there
History, fantasy and crap detective ...cheaper the better
Favorite Authors
everyone of them...seriously
you have to admire Anyone that can attach themselves to an Idea and die over and over
Favorite Movies
Love the B&W classics
always looking for a great movie whether its dubbed or not
Favorite TV Shows
Anything without a laugh track
I like the british crime series that pop up
kinda burnt out on american tv
Favorite Music
Classic rock and roll
jazz, classical, even some country
there is a ton of music my play lists are long and eclectic
Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Cohen, Brown James & Jackson, Zevon, Waits, Prine, Bonnie Raitt, Janis, Jimi ,Morrison Van & Jim, Zappa, fuck grab some darts I'll start throwing