I can bake a killer pecan pie
Sex in a parking lot of a club
From now on I am going to read every story that has a tag that I don't care for and comment about how I don't care for it.
Oh wait...thats what you are asking us not to do. Common sense is such a rare thing.
my position is I prefer to be on the bottom
I would do all but she would pass so I'll pass with a kiss on the cheek
Angie's fellow musicians suspect her of being tone deaf
ever have sex in a swimming pool?
ok but only to sleep...yeah, right
kiss and fuck if SHE wants
I have never shot par at golf
Thats good because I'd have to spank you, Saga
Thats good because I'd have to spank you, Saga
west-by god-virginia subby
ice cream
masturbate alone or with someone?
very attractive but pass out of respect
Yeah a little bit. Horniness comes in degrees but the answer is still yes.
TPBM had sex this morning.
I think this is true of both men and women. Often we ask for the truth expecting a certain answer, or hoping, and when we get something different we lash out. It isn't right but it happens. I hope I am mature enough not to ever behave that way. No...I KNOW I am.
lay there with her in my arms, in our puddle, reveling in her softness, warmness and the aroma of sex.
the news and my wife talking to her mom on the phone...rolling her eyes at me for being on lush.