Quote by RejectReality
Got to agree there. That's the most likely prospect for finding a story that not only inspires you, but also is ready to go out of the gate. Find something that tickles your fancy, contact the author, and see if they'd like to collaborate. It's much more difficult for author and illustrator to start from scratch and come together in the middle. Worth it, but much more difficult.
Quote by Green_Man
If you are looking for a storyteller then read lots of the stories here and on storiesspace.com and you might find stories that you wish to illustrate. That would be great giving all the fine writers on our sties a chance to create with your pictures. I'm sure most writers would love to modify any stories you enjoy to help you create your comics.
Think about it. Most stories have tags and categories to help you find what you are looking for. Good luck.
Quote by sprite
those are lovely. i used to do non-erotic comics in another life time. i'd say i'd be interested in giving it a go, but to be frank, my schedule right now's too crazy. maybe somewhere down the line, if you haven't found anyone else.
Quote by seeker4
Never done comics writing before. Could be interesting. What genres are you interested in doing (superhero, s-f, romance, whatever)? Are you aiming for these to be erotic/porn? Can we see (by PM or publicly) some samples of your work?
I would say that posting here is a good start in terms of finding someone. If you're not looking to do explicit erotic material, then storiesspace.com, which is the non-erotic sister site to Lush, would be an option as well.