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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 46
United States


Rookie Scribe
For the life of me I can't understand Faith
There is no contemporary evidence for Jesus’ existence or the Bible’s account of his life; no artifacts, dwellings, works of carpentry, self-written manuscripts, court records, eyewitness testimony, official diaries, birth records, reflections on his significance or written disputes about his teachings. Nothing survives from the time in which he is said to have lived.
All historical references to Jesus derive from hearsay accounts written decades or centuries after his supposed death. These historical references generally refer to early Christians rather than a historical Jesus and, in some cases, directly contradict the Gospels or were deliberately manufactured.
The Gospels themselves contradict one-another on many key events and were constructed by unknown authors up to a century after the events they describe are said to have occurred. They are not eyewitness accounts. The New Testament, as a whole, contains many internal inconsistencies as a result of its piecemeal construction and is factually incorrect on several historical claims, such as the early existence of Nazareth, the reign of Herod and the Roman census. Like the Old Testament, it too has had entire books and sections redacted.
I don't Think I ever will
Rookie Scribe
Don't remember one particular, but the girl A.S was pretty bad ass. It was a small town in Alaska and apparently she blowing most of them
Rookie Scribe
Quote by lacr0236
Long story made short... the wife and I had a mmf. Before hand the ground rules were set up that I had to be present/aware if at any time after they were going get together. And I was to be told of any messages, texts, or calls. I later find out my wife has deleted many texts and set up a rendezvous with him while I was out of town. "She forgot to delete a message to one of her girlfriends" she said that the talked about doing it but didn't. And says that they never did it when I wasn't there... how can I believe her. It has been 2 years now and I still don't completely trust her... Can I really ever trust her again? She says that she is different now and will never risk "us" again, but is still friends with him even though I wanted her to break all contact when I found out. Am I asking to be hurt again?

We're all liars, cheats and frauds. Everything a human being dose is done in self service,, EVERYTHING, (think about it) The people who say they're not a liar, cheat or fraud. Are inherently the worst kind. Because the one they lie to and cheat, is themselves. I believe to be untruthful is in its self, a form of self destruction. Your basically not allowing you self to be happy by not truthfully expressing what you desire and your also making it impossible for your significant other by not giving them the tools necessary to make you truly happy. I believe this so much that I have began testing my hypothesis. I have vowed to live in 100% complete utter honesty in every facet of my life for one year. I believe this will improve the quality of not just my life, but those around me as well. I am two months in and I am finding it almost impossible and unsure not of my hypothesis but of my character and ability to achieve such a task. Honestly, I experimented more then my far share growing up and can say with out hesitation that I would not be in a relationship where, straight, male, male, female sex wasn't a normal every day part of our life's. But I also except what comes with that. I can't just expect my girl or any woman for that matter to let another man use and penetrate her body in the most intrusive, and beautiful ways possible with out forming a bond or relationship of there own, most humans are not built that way. If you can save your marriage, by all means do so. We're all liars, cheats and frauds just in different ways. Life is a gift and should not be restricted.
And if you ever do decide to try three again make sure it's a life long friend, or childhood buddy. Some one who cares about "you", then the inevitable relationship develops between the three of you, not just him and her. That's when it starts getting bad ass.javascript:insertsmiley(' ','/forum/images/emoticons/3some.gif')