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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 155


I was really picky when i first met my boyfriend. He didn't match up to the criteria/expectations i had of a man i would be interested in. But he kept trying, and impressed me in ways i didnt even think were possible. One reason why i didnt want to continue seeing him/go on a date with him, was because we were two completely different people, with different interests, different cultural backgrounds...the only thing we had in common was our love for CSI.but ive found that he has taught me so much, and opened up parts of me i never knew existed. I think its great to have someone in your life that is relatable, but who can also show you things you never knew or never would have encountered. If you are too simular, the relationship can get boring sometimes, and you never want to know your partner too well either.
if you actually like the girl, don't ask her until you are both very committed. I asked my boyfriend after dating him for about a year, and he was my first, he told me hes done it with 10 other girls..made me feel less special, and hes a guy! imagine what the girl feels like when you ask her for her "number"!
i think it is wrong for people to judge other relationships. but i personally think it is hard for a young attractive woman to justify being with an older man for "love". There are many younger men (ie, not in their 50-60s) who are intelligent, caring, and supportive, just like the older men. The one thing older men have is more experience, more money and less time to live. I think gold-digging young women see older men as a opportunity to have the lifestyle celebrities portray, the money, the houses, the fancy holidays, etc, without the long long term commitement. But materialistic things should not be the bases for love.
Love is different for everyone. But for myself, love makes me tingle. I believe you can share lust with a ton of different people, but being loved or loving someone is a special bond that doesnt come by as often.
How do you make being analed not hurt as much?

I did it with a guy and he went in just once and i was about to break down into tears! how do i make it not be as painful?