Was goingto ignore this as it makes me so pissed off that Alex Salmond can even suggest Scotland can cope on their own. Im in a privileged position that I am accountant in Glasgow that can see how badly some businesses are doing even with a great accountant. Everyone thinks aw amazing we can be our own country, why not etc. Id love to be out of Britain but the fact remains I dont want my son or me to be honest, growing up and living in a country that wouldnt have schools, hospitals etc scotland couldnt afford it and neithercud the rest of britain.
Boxers and a tshirt. Cannie beat it, though i often fall asleep with jeans on n wake up sweating.
Im from Glasgow, Scotlands real capital hehe :-)
Thanks very much for this.
I also thought of speaking to a lawyer, believe it or not my dad was in the same situation with my mum but decided to just put up with it. He hated his life and eventually when I was 18 decided to leave without us knowing. Now he is with a new partner and looks happy...dont know if im subconsciously picking up on this?
Thanks for the comments.
Ive read some of your posts and now dont feel so bad about sharing mine....never been active on forum but always good to start eh? So....Ive been with my partner on and off since 2nd year in high school....9 years give or take...we moved in together 3 years ago and ever since shes made me sleep on the couch. She hates the way i breathe and snore. Best thing in the world happened....we had a boy 7 months ago. Hes my everything but she never leaves me with him...we always argue which usually ends up in me being battered. Her family are so fucked up also, all mental and or depressed.....ive stayed in the.....relationship if i can call it that for my sons sake but my dad done same for me n my sisters n ended up worse....with us in the middle. I do love her but we never have sex, maybe twice a year...we cant talk without arguing....its horrendous. What the hell do i do? I work fulltime n pay all bills basically i pay n she takes bt dont want to lose my son by walking........comments very welcome....Liam the forum noob
Why is it I just love girls in football tops? Any good pics?