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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 69
0 miles · Los Angeles


On the main page, near the top, at the far right, the column with:

'Top Authors': What is the formula for being included there?

Just below, on 'Story Picks': how are those arrived at? Most but not all, are represented in the 'Recommended' or 'Editor's Choice' sections, so obviously there is another criteria at work.

Just curious.
The first two sound like it's good you lost them. A gentleman lets you lead the conversation, maybe providing teasers if you're not opening up. With the third guy, it's possibly a guy thing. I don't care how much I liked somebody, I tend to wait a couple of days for next contact (I don't want to appear too eager or that I don't have much else to do). I'm always put off a little by somebody contacting me the next morning, but maybe that's just me - it's never prohibited a relationship from evolving if all the stars line up.

Blanket statement (of course, there are exceptions): Men and women tend to misrepresent themselves during 'dating'. People think of it as 'putting their best foot forward'. But in my extensive years of relationships and dating, the longer you go on with each other, the more you find they aren't the people they claimed to be on the first few dates (often what you get is just fine, though), and no, she DOESN'T like action movies, sports or whatever else she claimed, and of course, the same goes for the fibs men tell about themselves.

Dating sucks. Give me a good hookup site any day.
I love women and men in any kind of heels more than 3" - NOT wedge heels (zero sexy there)
Edit is for: Oops - saw this topic on the rolling banner, didn't look to see that it was 'Ask The Gals' (but what the hell... I'm dressed like one right now)

So many great choices! Of course, Bi Gay, CD, trans, and various straight, but the specific types I always visit during one-hand surfing:

I love the older woman seducing the younger, innocent girl
like this (Sammi Sparks is so hot!):

mature women DP/gangbang
like this (added bonus: a nun - I don't understand the story, because it's in German, but I think it has something to do with charity work):
Stopping an elevator between floors. I'd just be worried it wouldn't start again when I wanted it to.
I have always loved my fake pearls and also have some necklaces, but I recently bought an assortment of chokers and I love them: there's something so ultra-feminine about them.

What are your favorite things to wear around your neck?
Quote by seeker4
Haven't seen it but I'd love to. Tatiana looks poised to be the next big Canadian star (yes, she's a Canuck and the series is shot here) based on the number of awards and nominations she's landed just for Orphan Black.

If you ever watch, you can tell it's not the U.S. from episode one. Production companies shoot a lot of NYC based exteriors in Toronto, because with close-in shooting, a lot of streets look the same (you just can't go too wide). One look at Beth's apartment building and you'll see. Familiar with Tat as a Canadian, and I think she could break into mainstream cinema with no problem. This may end up being the role of her career because it's huge. Even if you don't care for this genre, it's well worth watching if only for her. I will be sad when it ends.
There are only three episodes left (here in the U.S.). This has been one of the great series, and Tatiana Maslany is nothing short of incredible (Keeping an eye out for what happens to Rachel - please no spoilers if we're behind the UK in the series).

My current favorite theme music.

Pretty vanilla. My Line 6 amp has a lot of tricks, but the one pedal I love is my old Boss Compression Sustain - gives a great tone. I tend to not use most of the pedals I've collected - have a Chorus I like for some things.

Quote by sprite

welcome to the lovefest, LC like everyone, i have my days, but i have resources and relationships to get me through them. ups and downs, like everyone else, but yeah, i'm still here and kicking and annoying the hell out of pretty much everyone. it's what keeps me going. sorry to hear about your dad - my wife's sister killed herself a few years before i made my attempt. obviously, she wasn't really happy with me, knowing that i knew how much that had wrecked her. i'd always been angry with her sister for putting her through all that, thinking 'how selfish' and then... well, i do get in now, i guess...

anyways, glad you found us. smile

I only wish my ex would have suggested that, but at the time, I don't know how I would have reacted. I only went bi after my divorce. With her, I probably would have suspected that it was some kind of manipulation aimed at dominance (not the BDSM kind) in the relationship. Unfortunately, that's the kind of marriage ours had turned into.
One would need to be intimately aware of the personal dynamics of your relationship to offer any real, on-target advice.

What I would suggest is what 'JustSomeJoe' mentioned a few posts up: If you and your wife watch porn together (and if you don't, I'd suggest you find a way to start, if possible), get some appropriate mfm porn - whatever your dream would be (voyeur, cuckold or full participation), and ask a casual question like, 'Do you think you'd ever want to do something like that?' I would phrase it in a way that allows you to back off immediately if you get a negative reaction.

Without knowing you, and based only on standard psychology, I would certainly not throw it out there in a blunt fashion, but carefully, like Cancer the Crab: two steps to the side, and one step forward.

Best of luck. I hope you don't upset the apple cart reaching for the Golden Delicious.
I was just hanging out, playing 'Latest Forum Topics' roulette, when I saw this, clicked on, and looked around. i was thinking: 'this is nice, people posting positive things' but when I went to Sprite's original post I was blown away.

This is one of the most worthwhile threads on Lush, and I hope Sprite is doing worlds better than when she spoke about herself in that post.

My father killed himself when I was 18. As the youngest of 8, I always wondered if he just waited until the last of his children reached majority.

A very difficult subject, but these are the subjects most deserving of careful consideration.
I had no idea it was there, but it certainly looks intriguing. I just rewrote a story that was up for a few days, but after reconsideration by the mods, was pulled (understandingly so). Admittedly, it is certainly not your typical fodder for Lush. I't's nice to know there's an outlet for those times when sex is not the point.
I don't recall if either of us ever quoted the other, but out of many who post or reply, I do tend to read Bethany's - they are always fun, funny and indicate a person completely comfortable with who they are. The bons fide sunny disposition shows through clearly (and her pics are stunning). I don't remember her ever saying a mean word to anyone, and that relentless good nature is most certainly rare these days. Go be your awesome self, Bethany!
Quote by seeker4

This is Jodie Whittaker, the new Doctor Who.

Really? That's almost enough to make me watch (what am I - 50 years late?). She's both a lovely woman and an incredibly good, subtle actress. I often rewind to watch her work again.
No offense, but this has to qualify as one of the most ridiculous topics ever posted, and I'm not going to dignify it with a response.

Quote by sprite
spoiler alert - if you don't want to find out who the new Doctor Who is, don't go any farther. That said, my jaw literally dropped. it's epic, especially if you've been watching Broadchurch!

I never watched Doctor Who, but I LOVE Broadchurch! Especially the female detective and the mother of the little boy murdered in the first season. She may be turning in the best performance this season (aside from the victim), which is airing now on BBC America.
Turn on, but I rarely think of it until I see it. If it's through thick denim, I would have to admire the labia's determination to be seen.
I would never try to rate myself. I've been told on a number of occasions that my skills are phenomenal, but a guy who just filled your belly or splattered your face with cum is bound to be capable of only a subjective judgement at best. The important thing is to keep striving for improvement no matter where you land on the scale.
I'm not going to quote anyone in particular, but thank you to all respondents - I've certainly had more answered than the question I asked, and I think it's a great way to evaluate the entries in the contest. The way I'm seeing things from the excellent input is that the voting would be a simple qualifying round (it's like 'You have to be this tall to go on this ride'), then once as much 'ballot box stuffing' as possible is eliminated, the remainders go on to the stage where the criteria consists of the 'pure factors': writing/story/plot/innovation/character and all the subcategories of parsing, grammar, syntax and 'polish'.

It's a very pragmatic way to do it - it keeps more of a burden off of the mods and anyone else in the trenches, because they ARE all volunteers, and as so, taxing their time unnecessarily would show a disregard for their time and efforts, which I agree should be applauded.
In the current competition 'Pure Filth' I noticed that once submissions were closed and the voting could be shown, my entry 'Cold Shock' has 23 '5' votes and i '2'. Of course, everybody has their own criteria for voting, but I think that, since the vote average is taken into account for judging (bringing into play the 'popularity contest' factor, rather than solely judging entries based on the words on the page), that competitors shouldn't be allowed to vote on each other, lest an unscrupulous competitor should try to weaken an opponents standing.

Maybe I'm out of line, but I am curious as to how others feel about this.
What's not to enjoy? No, I never pass (unless it's unhygienic). I will only pass the pussy to a friend, but only out of the dictates of 'play courtesy'.
If I'm with my play friend, it's Denny's. I love sitting there with all these conceivably 'wholesome' people knowing How incredibly deviant we were just a little while ago.

If I'm driving home alone, and it's still open, In-N-Out Burger. If it's closed, Jack-in-the-Box (those 'tacos' after debauchery are awesome). But those do tend to be geographically appropriate to the locations I am usually driving from.
When I'm modeling a hot new outfit in the mirror. During actual play times, I wouldn't necessarily use the word 'sexy' to describe my emotions, more like horny or gluttonous.