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Over 90 days ago
Male, 155


Here’s one for you all to ponder upon.

How about the opportunity to try the same cock both intact and cut?

My ex had the opportunity to compare since I had the surgery at age 36! (Let’s just say that I grew out of my “clothes”… My foreskin could no longer stretch enough when I became hard and it was painful.)

My ex missed playing hide and seek with my cock-head after the surgery and the sensitivity of my cock was incredible for many months afterwards.

However, she appreciated that I was no longer distracted by the discomfort and could focus on our pleasure. She said that she could feel the knob of my prick much more as I entered her since it was now clearly defined.

I like my cock as it is now. As the sensitivity decreased, so my staying power increased.

And no complaints from my partners either before or after the snipping.
If we men had boobs, we'd be playing with them all day and never get any work done...
I'm a Canadian and very proud to say it...

I am also a child of the world. That's why I love my city (Toronto). Toronto has embraced so many diverse cultures that I can walk down the street, and, in ten blocks experience 10 different cultures.

I have the world at my doorstep and, although I do travel, I wouldn't change it for anything!
If I signed the lease, would I be the leasee? Or the leasor?

And, when the lease expires, would there be a buy back clause payable by her mother?
I love accents. But, I teach English in China and it has been a long time since I heard English spoken without an accent. It would be good to hear a woman say "Fuck me" in my own Canadian accent.

When a Chinese woman says "fuck me", I have to ask for clarification... "Are you asking me to pass the fork?" Too often the answer to that question is: "Yes, pass me the fork."

Of course, her reply could be sarcasm and she is thinking: "This fuckin' foreigner. Here's his chance to get laid and all he's thinking about is cutlery!"
I can't find good wine in China! (Sorry, I know that this isn't a whine bar - But I can't find good wine in China!)
How about the classic sailor suit school uniform, or plaid kilt, white blouse and tie? I would post a pic but I can't figure out how to insert the image.. Help?