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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 40
United States


Im the girl next door with a dirty kinky mind, who loves vampires!! Oh yeah by the way, Twilight sucks!!! HAHA P.S. Im 28 years old and i am still a virgin, but a very naughty one wink wink i masturbat offten, a little to offten, but hell i dont have a b/f and the stories i read on here, make me so hot!

Reading, Vampires, photography, dancing, love to go watch drag queen shows. shopping, the normal girl stuff lol

Favorite Books
way to many to name, but some would be The black dagger brotherhood, the night huntress novles, love at stake seires, immortality sucks series, and many many more.

Favorite Authors
J.R. Ward, Gini Koch, Jeaniene Frost, Kerrelyn Sparks, Katie MacAlister, Shannon Dreak, Nalini Singh, Jennifer Armintrout, Michelle Rowen, Stehpanie Rowe,Jennifer Rardin (RIP) Lara Adrin Jenna Black...just to name a few

Favorite Movies
Hellboy 1&2, The X-files 1&2, Slither, Laybrinth, From hell, Sleepy Hallow, Repo The Genitic Opera, Grease 2, Pan's Laybrinth, Crybaby, The Pest, the Saint....again just to name a few

Favorite Music
anything hard rock, classic rock, a little hip-hop but not much, metal...basically anything, im not picky with my music, then again i will not listen to christan.